Category Archives: Announcements
Monday’s Review Class 5/17
Because the final is based off of the weekly reviews, an effective way to study for the final would be to go over the weekly reviews and make note of any questions you don’t understand or don’t feel confident figuring out on your own.
On class on Monday, I will go over any questions or topics people want help with. I will not be available to answer questions on the final after it has been assigned.
Reimagining Justice | Wednesday, April 28th | 5-7pm
RSVP here for event Zoom info.
Spring-2021-CRJ-Agents-of-Social-Change-Event-Apr-28Faculty from CRJ want you to know that community healing is an option and it is in practice locally. See, for example:
Patterson Healing Collective
Save. Our. Streets.
Safe OUTside the System
(Optional) Thursday, April 22. Introduction to the Federal Reserve System
Courtesy of Professor Eugene Skorodinsky, we have an opportunity to sit in on Introduction to the Federal Reserve System with Graham Long, Director of Economic Education at the New York Fed from 2-2:45pm.
To make sure I know you were there, please fill out this form. This event is not required but if you are concerned about your participation and have the time, please join us.
Topic: Introduction to the Federal Reserve System
This 45-minute presentation details the structure of the Federal Reserve as a decentralized central bank, and its policy responsibilities. Topics covered include:
- What is the Federal Reserve System?
- What is the structure of the Federal Reserve System?
- What is the Federal Reserve’s role in the economy?
Speaker: Graham Long, Associate Director of Economic Education at the New York Fed
Time: Thursday, April 22, 2:00 – 2:45 pm
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 994 5077 6043
Passcode: 121
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+13126266799,,99450776043# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Lecture Videos Issue
I am trying to upload lecture videos but I am receiving an error. I will try to get through this as soon as I can. Apologies for the delay.
Reading Schedule Final Weeks
please review the Reading Summary Schedule for the final weeks to be sure you know when your are scheduled. If you haven’t gone yet, you will have two dates. More information about this assignment available here.
WEEK 11 | M 04/12 | Fiscal Policy | Josue, Henry, Aminata, Britney, Carolina |
WEEK 12 | M 04/19 | Monetary Policy | Angelo, Serigne, Catherine, Luiggi, Kyle |
WEEK 13 | M 04/26 | Government Budget | Carla, Lenny, Rose Ann, Devonte, Catherine |
WEEK 14 | M 05/03 | AD & AS Model | Michelle, Kyle, Crisaury, Luiggi, Aminata |
WEEK 15 | M 05/10 | AD & AS Model | Chenel, Britney, Henry, Devonte, Crisaury |
April 13, 2021 – Racism and the Economy – 12-3:30pm ET
As part of a larger series on Racism in the Economy, The Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank (along side all 12 district banks of the US) will be hosting a discussion on Racism within the Economics Profession. See link above for more information, to RSVP, or to see info on the ongoing series.
Dr. Nina Banks – Friday, 26th March, 5-6pm
By way of introduction to Dr. Banks and her work, here’s a 7 min video on her research from 2017.
Optional Course Feedback
This mid-semester feedback form is for my informal use to see what is working in this course and what hasn’t. It was developed by a team of faculty at BMCC but answers will only be visible to me. I won’t be able to see who responded so your individual answers are confidential to you.
Though it is not required, I would appreciate your feedback. Because this feedback form is in development, any perspective you have on the survey itself would also be useful.
Dr. Caroline Shenaz Hosein – 9 March 12:00 eastern
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Canada’s hidden cooperative system:The legacy of the Black Banker Ladies
Black diaspora women, known as Banker Ladies, lead solidarity economics through a form of mutual aid called Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs). Drawing on ancient African traditions, this financial exchange system holds the key to making local economies serve the needs of everyone. Canada has a rich history of corporativism, and Canadian policymakers are called on to support solidarity economies, and to ensure there is space for Black cooperators by creating a Global ROSCA Network. Valuing these informal cooperative institutions, and acknowledging the expertise of Banker Ladies, will help build an inclusive economy, bridge the gap of inequity in Canada, and by extension revolutionize Canadian international development policy.
Dr. Caroline Shenaz Hossein is Associate Professor of Business & Society at York University in Toronto, and founder of the Diverse Solidarity Economies Collective. She is author of Politicized Microfinance: Money, power and violence in the Black Americas and editor of The Black Social Economy in the Americas: Exploring Diverse Community-Based Alternative Markets. She is also the co-editor of the forthcoming Community Economies in the Global South by Oxford University Press (2021). She holds an Ontario Early Researcher Award (2018-2023) and her project “African origins in the Social Economy” is funded by the SSHRC Insight Development Grant (2017-20). This event takes place in English with French simultaneous interpretation. |