Over the course of the semester, each student will lead the class two times to get the conversation going for their classmates.
All students are expected to have read/watched/listened to the material, whether or not they are leading the class with a summary that day.
To get full credit for these summaries, students should:
- provide responses relevant to the materials assigned that week
- respond to the following prompts:
- Something from the material I already knew was…
- I felt surprised by this part of the material…
- This is the part of the material that I liked/agreed with…
- I felt suspicious about (or disagreed with) this part of the material…
- express why the material inspired that response in you.
There is nothing to turn in for this assignment to be considered completed.
Students do not need to compile a presentation. Verbally reporting responses in class is sufficient. Students who cannot speak in Zoom for any reason can complete this assignment using the chat function in class.
Pingback: Reading Summary Sign Up | ECO 201 | Macroeconomics | Al Eisenbarth | Section 0903 | Spring 2021
Hi Professor, I can do weeks 5 and 6 for reading summary.
Hello, Professor. I can do weeks 4 and 5 summaries.
Pingback: Reading Schedule Final Weeks | ECO 201 | Macroeconomics | Al Eisenbarth | Section 0903 | Spring 2021