Cultural Aspects to Working with Families: Best Practices for Working with Families

What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the readings and video in this module?  Identify your source (readings or video) as you develop the list.

Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?


Getting to Know Families & Babies: Best Practices for Working with Families who have Infants

What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module?  Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list.

Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?


Keeping in Touch with Families: Best Practices for Working with Families who have Infants

What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module?  Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list.

Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?


Module 9 Communicating with Families Activity #1: Touchpoints

Read Gudrais (2012).  Complete this handout as you read the article.


After reading the article, answer the following questions on FlipGrid ( your log in is your 1st name as it appears on CUNY First)

  1.  How are the strategies to be successful in an online class that you identified in Module 1 working? What do you need to adjust?
  2. Would you use the Touchpoints approach when working with families? Why?
  3. Which of the Touchpoints principles discussed in the article seemed most natural to you? Why?
  4. Which of the Touchpoints principles discussed in the article was most controversial to you? Why?
  5. Did the staff in your school use the Touchpoints approach? Use evidence from the article to support your answer.

Family Engagement in Action: Best Practices for Working with Families who have Infants

What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading in this module?  Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list.

Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?



Module 11 Family Engagement in Action Activity#1: Examining Family Engagement

Read Koralek, Nemeth & Ramsey (2019) complete this handout as you read

Koralek, Nemeth & Ramsey (2019)

Answer the questions below, citing evidence from Koralek, Nemeth & Ramsey (2019):

  1. Why should family engagement be reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? In your response, explain what the terms mean in your own words.
  2. Did your teachers and school staff (pre-K through grade 12) engage your family in a reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory manner? Provide specific evidence to support your conclusion.
  3. How can infant teachers engage families with babies in ways that are reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? List specific ideas that no one has mentioned yet!


Module 12: When Conflicts Arise Activity #2: Conflicts that Happen

Read Gillespie (2006). Complete this handout as your read


Watch TAPS: Partnerships with Families Part 3. Complete this handout as you watch the video

Read the When Conflicts Arise Scenarios.  Imagine you are the teacher in the situation

Conflict Scenarios –O

Pick 2 scenarios and answers the following questions for each scenario citing evidence from both Gillespie (2006) and TAPS: Partnerships with Families Part 3  in your response:

  • What would you say to the family?
  • What are some of the concerns a family/ teachers may have around the issue?

Weekly Module 13: Rituals & Routines with Families Readings Post

In this module you will:

  • Identify rituals and practices to help infants and families transition into a program
  • Analyze the importance of phase-in and separation for infants, toddlers, and families
  • Critique principles centers use during phase-in

After reading Goldsmith & Theilhiemer (2015) AND Block (2014) or Gillispie & Peterson (2014) answer the following questions:

  1. What was the second reading you chose? 
  2. Summarize the main idea, key details, and what you learned from the readings in 4-6 sentences in your own words. Use key terms and vocabulary from the text.
  3. What quote(s) was most meaningful to you? (identify the page number) Why?
  4. How do these readings connect to your personal experience?
  5. How do infants, families, and staff benefit from phase-in? 
  6. Which guiding principle infant centers consider when infants enter their program do you think is most important? Why?
  7. How will these reading make you a better infant-toddler professional?
  8. How does the Goldsmith & Theilheimer (2015) article connect to the other reading you did (Block, 2014 or Gillespie & Peterson, 2012)?  Identify specific connections.

Respond to 2 other posts

Goldsmith & Theilheimer (2015)

Block (2014)

Gillispie & Peterson (2012)

Weekly Module 14: When Conflicts Arise Applications Post 1 (Video)

After watching the video TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 3, answer the following questions:

  1. What is the main cause of differences and tensions with families?
  2. What can infant/ toddler professionals do about these tensions?
  3. Why do families make “unreasonable requests” of staff and programs?
  4. How can staff work with families when those requests are made?
  5. What can be done when tensions between families and staff become conflicts?
  6. How does this video relate to the Gillespie (2006) reading? Make specific connections, identifying the page number.

Respond to 2 other posts!