Throughout the movie, Moonlight, the protagonist in this move, Chiron struggles with the social construct that is sexuality. In this movie, we get to see Chiron’s trials with his mother and her battle with drug usage and the effect it …
Aissata Diallo
The fallacy I have chosen is the loaded question.
A loaded question is when you are asking a question that has an assumption built into it so that it can not be answered without appearing guilty. It can also be …
Cory Stieg’s article highlights the ideologies of money being the key to happiness. Stieg debunks these prepositions by going in depth and giving us her conclusions on these thoughts. I believe the conclusion proposed here is that money does not …
My story about a cult is based on a television show I watched called “Riverdale”. In this show, there is a cult called “The Farm”, where people are tricked into believing in unity as strength and brotherhood and sisterhood.
All …
Your enormous reply: What is the story/ event? The event that took place here is Tucker Carlson interviewing Larry Sinclair, a man who claimed to have sex with President Barack Obama, while on crack cocaine in 1999. Carlson, is a …
In Beyonce’s song, “Formation”, I notice that she is responding to the degrading portrayal of black women and black society. She sheds an immense amount of emotion throughout the video, with her lyrics using numerous amounts of figurative language to …
What is critical thinking? Critical thinking is the act of inspecting and examining multiple aspects of situations with the intention of improving your thoughts. It is an art that requires you to not only use your imagination, but forces you …