Do this before our last class on 12/7

Hi Everyone:

As we approach our last (!) class, can you do the following:

  • take the CRT survey if you haven’t already
  • take the FYE survey (this is a new one, a follow up)
  • be ready to present if you haven’t already
  • submit any late assignments from the second half of the semester
  • if you can, bring something for our potluck on Thursday
  • vote on one of the 3 movies below by replying to this post:
  1. Suspiria

2. It Comes At Night

3. The Witch

I’ll have my office hours on Tues 12-2 and Wed 9-10am–stop by if you’d like to speak about your grades, the class, the final assignment, or anything else.

Prof. Barnes

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