Welcome to MMA100 Week #3!
We’re BACK!
Here is this week’s useful information and class resources:
Need a recap of Week #2 – Go Here
Last week covered a lot of information and we began to get acclimated with Adobe photoshop, our workspace and our first assignment, we also went over our class website. I shared a tutorials about our first assignment / project here in MMA 100. Did you find the video helpful (its under the Assignment #1 page)? How can I make them better? Leave your comments below.
Did you add or submit your work in progress of part 1 of Assignment #1 to our google drive folder? Remember, I would really like for you to keep your work in progress here as we can dialog about it together. Here is the g-drive link (create a folder with your first and last name) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1m8_39ko2CtWEyzQ9SXABM2RWfKTCsGii?usp=sharing
In our Zoom class discussion tonight we will start our class by reviewing the student work submission process / presenting our work in process.
Passcode: 6=BB&l*K
**Above is the Assignment Video Recording for Parts 1 & 2 from class on 9/9
Video Inspiration – with Milton Glaser:

Who is Milton Glaser? You certainly already know some of his work!
Explore his website here – https://www.miltonglaser.com/
Share what inspires you, or what stands out and catches your interest in the comments section below!