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Monthly Archives: September 2022

The Weekend is here.

Please make sometime for yourself this weekend. Doing something that makes you happy.

Positive Mindset

Do you know what is an Affirmation?

An affirmation is affirming something or being affirmed. Take a breathe, a pause, or a moment to let the words resonate with you.

Thoughtful Thursday: Tune In

In a world where you have to consistently multitask, podcasts afford a space where can be you can entertained or learn a new lesson whenever you want, wherever you are. For this Thoughtful Thursday check out these articles for a podcast to tune in to. Comment below if you a favorite podcast.

1.)15 Best Mental Health Podcasts That Educate and Empower Listeners

2.) The 25 Best Comedy Podcasts of 2022

Wellness Wednesday: How to Have a Good Day?

Waking up in a not-so-good mood is very common. The important thing here is to acknowledge it and do something about it. Here’s some articles filled with tips and tricks to jumpstart your morning on a positive note or if you’re looking for a afternoon booster.

1.) 17 Ways to Make the Most of Every Day

2.)10 Simple, Sure-fire Ways to Make Today Your Best Day Ever

3.) How to Have a Wonderful Day – Tips, Messages and Quotes

Week of 9/26 Events

With so many events, meetings, workshops, and more across campus, the GAINS weekly calendar brings it all to one place. Check out these workshops happening this week by the Learning Resource Center, Academic Advisement and Transfer Center, Counseling Center and much more!

Week of 9/19 Upcoming Events

With so many events, meetings, workshops, and more across campus, the GAINS weekly calendar brings it all to one place. Check out these workshops happening this week by the Learning Resource Center, Academic Advisement and Transfer Center and Counseling Center.

Motivation Monday: Growth Mindset

A growth mindset means that you thrive on challenge, and don’t see failure as a way to describe yourself but as a springboard for growth and developing your abilities. This means that you may not be very good at first but you keep trying, improving, and tweaking. Check out the following articles and video for tips and tricks.

1.) Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset https://youtu.be/KUWn_TJTrnU

2.) Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset: How what you think affects what you achieve. https://www.mindsethealth.com/matter/growth-vs-fixed-mindset

3.) Growth Mindset https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/growth-mindset

Thoughtfulness Thursday

Learning how to be thoughtful takes time and effort. Do something this week, that brings joy into someone else’s life (or yours). It doesn’t have to be a huge effort, just meaningful.

QOTD: Who can you be intentionally thoughtful towards today? Think of a person, plan what you will do or say, do it!

For more tips and tangible ways to practice being more generous and thoughtful with those around you. check out the following articles.

1.) How Can I Be More Thoughtful When I Have Social Anxiety?

2.) 6 Ways to be More Thoughtful in Life (and Why It’s So Important)

3.) 3 Ways to Be More Thoughtful

Wellness Wednesday

Between exams, papers and maintaining an active social life, many students struggle to really find the time to keep up on academics, personal health, and wellness.

What’s Wellness Wednesday without some coping activities? Here are some simple practices and articles that can support peace and health.

  1. Emotional Wellness Toolkit
  1. 50 Daily Good Habits for Improved Mental Health
  1. 10 Habits To Improve Mental Health