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Using Academic Resources

There are certain places on campus that every student knows well. The cafeteria, library and financial aid office. But you might be surprised at what BMCC offers, best of all are free of charge.

Academic Resources at BMCC

1.) Library – On-Campus location: room S-410
Email: help@bmcc-cuny.libanswers.com

2.) Learning Resource Center – On-Campus location: room S-510;
Email(s): lrc@bmcc.cuny.edu (general info), lrctutoring@bmcc.cuny.edu (tutoring), and onlinetutoring@bmcc.cuny.edu (online tutoring)

3.) Mathematics Lab/Tutoring – On-Campus location: room S-535
Email: mathtutoring@bmcc.cuny.edu

4.) Writing Center / Basic Skills English Lab) – On-Campus location: room S-510
Email: writingcenter@bmcc.cuny.edu

5.) ESL (English as a Second Language) Lab – On-Campus location: room S-510J)
Email(s): Joshua Belknap (ESL Lab Coordinator) jbelknap@bmcc.cuny.edu
or Academic Literacy and Linguistics Department: ALL@bmcc.cuny.edu

6.) Academic Advisement and Transfer Center (AATC) at: aatc@bmcc.cuny.edu

Additional Campus Resources (to assist with external factors impacting academic success)

7.) Office of Accessibility – On-Campus location: N-360
Email: accessibility@bmcc.cuny.edu

8.)Counseling Center – On-Campus location: S-343
Email: counselingcenter@bmcc.cuny.edu

9.) Advocacy and Resource Center – On-Campus location: S-230
Email: arc@bmcc.cuny.edu

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