Tag Archives: week 12

(Optional) Thursday, April 22. Introduction to the Federal Reserve System

Courtesy of Professor Eugene Skorodinsky, we have an opportunity to sit in on Introduction to the Federal Reserve System with Graham Long, Director of Economic Education at the New York Fed from 2-2:45pm.

To make sure I know you were there, please fill out this form. This event is not required but if you are concerned about your participation and have the time, please join us.

Topic: Introduction to the Federal Reserve System
This 45-minute presentation details the structure of the Federal Reserve as a decentralized central bank, and its policy responsibilities. Topics covered include:

  • What is the Federal Reserve System?
  • What is the structure of the Federal Reserve System?
  • What is the Federal Reserve’s role in the economy?

Speaker: Graham Long, Associate Director of Economic Education at the New York Fed
Time: Thursday, April 22, 2:00 – 2:45 pm
Zoom link: https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/j/99450776043?pwd=U0pYcys2TkI5RlcwaVhzakpPb1Yydz09
Meeting ID: 994 5077 6043
Passcode: 121

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Read – Lumen Learning: Macroeconomics

“Try It” boxes and additional videos embedded in this text are for your benefit unless otherwise specified. Use them if they are useful to you but you may skip them if they are not.

Week 4 – from Module 6: “What is Gross Domestic Product?” and “Calculating GDP

Week 7 – from Module 15: “Absolute and Comparative Advantage” and “Comparative Advantage and the Gains from Trade” OPTIONAL: “Learning by Doing: Comparative Advantage and the Gains from Trade

Week 8 – from Module 16: “Strengthening and Weakening Currency” *this is the only reading for this week so I encourage you to do the exercises and watch the videos in this chapter if this is an unfamiliar concept.

Week 11 – from Module 11: “Automatic Stabilizers” and “Neoclassical Fiscal Policy and Supply-Side Economics

Week 12 – from Module 13: “Monetary Policy” and “Monetary Policy and Open Market Operations

Week 13 – from Module 11: “Government Spending” “Taxation” and “The Question of a Balanced Budget