Category Archives: Announcements


Hello All! I am looking forward to working with you this semester. You may call me Al (that’s spelled ay el, not ay eye). My pronouns are they/them. I have been teaching at BMCC since Spring 2019 and before that, I’ve been teaching at NYU and The New School since 2015. I’m really grateful to be working here with the committed faculty and students I have met. I believe that anyone can learn economics because everybody engages with their local economy as part of daily living! Please respond in a comment below to introduce yourself. To do so click “Leave a Comment” up top. Please note, everything posted to this website is viewable to the entire BMCC OpenLab community. If you prefer, you’re welcome to email me instead but please do respond. Please include:
  • Your Name (as registered)
  • Your Nickname (how you want to be addressed in class)
  • Pronoun (how you want to be addressed in addition to your name)
  • Why you are taking this class
  • Something that helps you learn
  • Something you enjoy

Stratification Economics: Rethinking Economics Pluralism Showcase

Kyle Moore is one of the author’s of material presented in our class on Week 6. Stratification Economics is fundamentally transforming the capacity of Economics to deal with issues like race, gender, and class.

Association for Social Economics (ASE) presents

Rethinking Economics: Pluarlism Showcase: Stratification

Rethinking Economics* is incredibly excited to launch a new online events series which will showcase approaches to economics not covered in mainstream courses.Join us on Saturday February 13th at 14:00 GMT for an interactive deep-dive into the Stratification Economics approach. After an introduction by Darrick Hamilton, you will have the chance to discuss research at the frontier of the field with Stephanie Seguino and Kyle K. Moore.Please register using this link – 

Saturday 13th February Schedule:

14:00 – 14:45 (GMT) – Professor Darrick Hamilton will give the opening address to introduce Stratification Economics to the audience.

15:00 – 15:45 (GMT) – Professor Stephanie Seguino and Kyle Moore will present their research in a more interactive setting.

15:45 – 16:30 (GMT) – The Cafe will be open where attendees can discuss what they have learned over a tea or coffee. 

*Rethinking Economics is an international network of students, academics and professionals building a better economics in society and the classroom. Through a mixture of campaigning, events and engaging projects, Rethinking Economics connects people globally to discuss and enact the change needed for the future of economics, and to propel the vital debate on what economics is today. More info can be found here: