

Has your worldview changed after this class? If so, how? If not, why not?

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My worldview didn’t change after this class, but it did have me thinking that maybe one day there will be someone who will make this society have somewhat peace. Therefore, I feel like this society really is a mess and we generally need someone with higher abilities to take more charge and be more serious when it comes to people's lives and human rights. Hence there hasn't been any difference in this society because it’s the ones who are in charge who don’t do their jobs right when it comes to their citizens. However, I feel that this society just needs to have stricter laws for example gun laws need to be more serious because the government lets people be able to buy weapons without knowing why they would need those weapons in the first place even though people go hunting, if you are nowhere near the woods they shouldn’t need a gun because there been so many cases of school shootings that its dangerous for children and teachers safety.

However, another. issue that should be taken seriously is police brutality because as police officers their job is to protect citizens from any dangerous situation for example human trafficking, domestic violence, frame. Therefore, not all police officers are bad it’s just the ones who feel empowered and believe that if they get involved in a crime, they won't get in trouble for committing a crime. For example, there have been many cases of black people dying due to police brutality Daunte Wright was only 20 when he was killed in 2021 Daunte was in the car with his girlfriend and Wright was stopped by the police officers for traffic violence, police tried to detain him for an outstanding warrant and when he was resisting and try to go back to his call an officer named Kim potter shot him as he was just trying to go in his car and the police said that she meant to take a taser out and not a gun and she was charged with second-degree murder. Another victim we have is André Hill was 47-year-old black man who had just emerged from a garage and holding up a phone in his left hand, office Adam Coy shot André Hill and handcuffed him and he way lay on the ground for five minutes, and 11 seconds till he was dead and officer Adam coy was fired hours after. Hence police brutality is serious in this society because innocent people are losing their lives because of a misunderstanding, these police officers committed a crime yet their years in jail should be longer because someone lost a family member, son, or partner because of how these police officers handle their jobs in correctly.

However, another issue we need to clarify is keeping the ocean safe therefore, don't throw plastic bags into the ocean. Recycle And separate your trash for example, plastics go where plastics recycle goes with recycling. Therefore, it's not safe for those animals that live there to be in that sort of environment because they can think that it's their food and choke on it. However, that’s why it is good to make sure that those animals that aren't extinct are safe for example those who want to be better at learning about animal safety should do their research if they care for animals because there are a lot of animal organization that want animals in the jungle or ocean to be safe. Therefore, a way for that to happen is to make sure that people throw their trash in bins and to make sure to pick up after themselves because it is gross to leave things on the ground, it's not protecting our earth.

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Therefore, another issue is LGBTQIA rights people don’t seem to protect those in that community which is really upsetting because sometimes people get called offensive slurs and they get harassed by those

who don’t “believe in that “Those sorts of people are the ones who are problematic and need to understand that there is nothing wrong with living the same gender or wanting to change their gender. Therefore, it's sad to know that people need to fight and protest to be understood and listened to. Hence there have been a lot of cases of people in the trans community getting murdered. A woman named Kylie Monali who was only 41 was killed by her cellmate on September 7, 2022, another case on someone who was a transgender man named Daniel Aston he was a 28-year-old transgender man and was one of two transgender people who was killed in the Club Q mass shooting in Colorado Springs on November 20, 2022. Therefore, it's upsetting to see those cases not taken seriously in this world because one day it can be going around and people speaking about it, and then something else happens, and people forget about it. Hence that’s the issue about this world; people are so eager to forget about situations that are serious and sometimes those situations involve people’s lives at stack. instead of the government and president don’t act into fixing these situations. They ignore them and let it continue to happen.

Step 2: Select 3-5 assignments that you feel were especially helpful in developing your critical thinking skills. Examples: one of your Conversation posts, argument essay, peer review, presentation, etc.


What did you have to do and how did you complete the assignment?

I believe I needed to answer a question about how people can be biased, and we were given articles about Doland Trump, and I believe articles about bidden and we needed to read two sides of the article and pick which side was biased. I completed the assignment and just tried to do more research about them, read the articles we were given, and answered the questions.

Did you face any challenges?

Yes, I did face some challenges. It was hard at first because I didn’t know who was right or wrong in the situation until I read it more than once that I understood who was wrong.

What did you learn from the assignment?

I learned that it's okay to be a little biased if you have a reason why then it's fine to have your own opinions unless you just believe you are always right in an agreement then you are wrong because people aren't always right in a situation and that’s fine to admit

How can you apply what you learned to your life outside of this class?

How I can apply what I learned in my life outside of class is that it's okay to not always be right in a situation. And sometimes it is good to Alway hear both sides of the story. And that’s not everyone is right in an agreement, they have evidence to support their side of the story.

Problem solving

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What did you have to do and how did you complete the assignment?

So as a group, we were given five steps, and we were given an article for each step we had to find out how we would solve the problem. How I completed the assignment was to think more about the article that we were reading and try to put myself in the person's shoes to have a better understanding of what we could do to fix the problem.

Did you face any challenges?

I didn't face any challenges During this assignment, it was clear on what we needed to do.

What did you learn from the assignment?

What I learned about the problem-solving assignment was there is a solution to A problem You just need to sort it out And figure it out on how you want Everything to go.

How can you apply what you learned to your life outside of this class?

How I would apply what I've learned outside of class is if I'm ever struggling with something And I'm starting to overthink that there's no solution to me figuring it out. I could always fix that mentality by trying to be more organized. And have steps on what I should do first, what I should do second and what I should do fast, so it helps me Get a better understanding.

Authority and obedience

What did you have to do and how did you complete the assignment?

For this assignment, we watched a video about how a girl Had to do sexual activities on a male worker because he got a call demanding things that she should do. And how One of the ladies kept walking in. But not fixing the situation, she just kept ignoring it as if nothing was happening, even though the girl was in Need of help and was asking her Can you help me. And she ignored her as the poor girl was still having sexual activities with this old man. It was really disturbing.

I completed the assignment as I answered the questions that we needed to answer personally I didn't agree with having to listen to it authorities Because of The way that women needed Help to get out of this uncomfortable situation. Therefore, people kept walking in and out Except this one guy who put his foot down and got that girl out. Because he knew something was wrong, He was the only one who cared about that girl's safety while everybody else was Ignoring it as if nothing was happening.

Did you face any challenges?

I didn't face any challenges answering the questions because I was being completely honest with how I should answer the questions. And how This society needs to do a better job when it comes to women's safety Including women who are being forced to do something they should not be forced to do.

What did you learn from the assignment?

What I've learned about this assignment is that the law sucks. When it comes to protecting women, I feel like the worst part was, she needed help. And the fact that people kept walking in and ignoring her as she was so desperate to get out of that room. And how only one person out of everyone Was the only one that helped her get out of that situation. Even though they did find out who was making the calls it's still not good that she had to wait so long for one person to notice something was wrong.

How can you apply what you learned to your life outside of this class?

How I would apply what I learned from that assignment to my outside life is to always help people Because if you're ignoring a situation that is serious. It's not going to look good on you Because You could have gotten involved to kind of make sure that the person that was in need of help is out of that situation and they are safe and sound.

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What did you have to do and how did you complete the assignment?

What I needed to do was to make sure that my presentation was organized. And easy for people to understand my side of the argument. What I did to complete this assignment was I made sure I did good enough research. To make sure that What I was trying to say would be clear for other people to have a better understanding.

Did you face any challenges?

I fixed a lot of challenges during this presentation because I don't like public speaking and I get very anxious I tend to stutter a lot when I feel that I'm put in a situation where I need to kind of be louder and clearer on what I'm trying to explain.

What did you learn from the assignment?

What I learned about this assignment Was That It's OK to be Anxious. And scared to speak up on what you think is right. But I also liked hearing other people's Sides of arguments and agreeing on what they needed to say. And what they believe in When it comes to society.

How can you apply what you learned to your life outside of this class?

How this can apply to what I learned outside of life is it gives me a better understanding. Of things. And cooling with women's healthcare and gun laws. And safety for citizens. It opened my mind a little more, even though I knew about those sorts of topics My classmates' presentations on it were very clear on What they were trying to state.

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What did you have to do and how did you complete the assignment?

What I needed to do was find research about religious discrimination. How I completed this assignment was I tried to be very organized When it came to the steps I needed to follow

Did you face any challenges?

I faced a lot of challenges during this Assignment because I'm not very good when it comes to researching, including religious discrimination, but I did do my very best to find articles. And readings about what Significant people go through, including people who are religious.

What did you learn from the assignment?

What I learned about this assignment was the fact that there was an article about how. In France, some doctors don't take patients who are religious because of Those doctors' beliefs. which I found outrageous Because as a doctor, their job is to make sure your patient Is there to feel welcome and for them to make sure that whatever they're going through, you help assist them through it.

How can you apply what you learned to your life outside of this class?

How I could apply What I learned Outside of the class is to always be judged by those who are being judged or looked at differently because of their race, religion, or gender they like I feel that it shouldn't matter Because it's not about that. It's about the person themselves, so people judge them. Because of that, it's upsetting that that's how the world is. And I feel personally, I don't like seeing people get misjudged for something so little there is nothing wrong with having religious beliefs or loving the same sex gender that doesn’t justify the fact that their still human.

Ciara Cintron

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