- Ray Kroc and the Mcdonald brothers are all businessmen working to be successful but where they differ are their personalities and their long-term goals for their business. Ray Kroc was more interested in growing the business to its maximum potential he had more of an entrepreneurial mindset than the McDonald brothers, who were more focused on the quality of their one burger shop.
- When it comes to whether selling out to Ray Kroc was a good decision or not I can see an argument for either side but I believe that they made the correct decision because they were not as interested in growing the business as Ray. Ray’s goal was to completely own Mcdonald’s and when the Mcdonald brothers sold out to him he had put himself in an amazing position to do so.
- The local franchisees made money based on the success and acclaim of the restaurants, the more the people enjoyed the food the more money the franchise would make
- Ray Kroc made money by financing the restaurants, the difference between the way Ray made money and the local franchises made money is the real estate aspect of it.
- After watching the film and learning about the history of what occurred with Mcdonald’s my perception of the company is still the same I am just more educated on what went on during the early stage of the company.