Ethics & Social Responsibility – DIG

The reasturant / company I will be talking about is DIG . As some of us have tried or have heard of it through social media or advertisements. DIG is one of the biggest food industry that they have even worked together with Amercian Airlines and etc.

DIG really played a huge role into contributing to china town community housing and small food buisness which where really strucked bad finacially due to the pandemic, it helped so much towards the people not being able to have full reasturant of social responsibilty . DIG was known for there support of fresh grown food and supporting small local farmers into supplying us with great vegtebales that where fresher and able to be keeped longer.

An ethical issue in any business is the attention to work on social reaction among colleagues and buisness partners. For example in a work environment like DIG you have to learn how to become a more social and responsible colleague, know when to have your freedom of space and priviallage to speak out of any wrong between yourslef or the company them selfs.

One thought on “Ethics & Social Responsibility – DIG

  1. Mohamed Hossein

    Hello Gabriel. I actually decided to comment on your post because as someone who has never heard of DIG, it was surprisingly interesting to learn about it. I think it is essential for any individual who is working in the business field to have the social skills, handle responsibilities, and have the freedom to speak up. It is awesome to know that DIG played a crucial role when the pandemic hit for small food businesses.

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