Repositories and Collections

Find OER created by CUNY faculty, staff, and students at these sites.

  • CUNY Academic Works
    The Open Educational Resources series in CUNY’s institutional repository provides access to instructional materials created by the CUNY community and can be browsed by college, school, or center; discipline; or author.
  • Manifold @CUNY
    Create, share, and find “scholarship, custom classroom versions of texts and textbooks that are openly licensed or in the public domain, Open Educational Resources (OER), and journals” at CUNY’s Manifold instance.
  • OpenEd CUNY
    Search by college, platform, subject, or type for resources including syllabi, textbooks, lectures, labs, and other assignments and activities.

OER in Action @ CUNY

  • Art History Teaching Resources (AHTR)
    Created by Michelle Millar Fisher of the Graduate Center and Karen Shelby of Baruch College, AHTR “is a peer-populated platform for educators who use visual and material culture in their teaching practice. Home to an evolving and collectively authored repository of open educational content, AHTR serves as a collaborative virtual community for art history instructors at all stages of their academic and professional careers.”
  • Critical Thinking: Primary Concepts
    “This short, free, Creative Commons–licensed text” by James DiGiovanna of John Jay College is “useful for a brief (maybe 3 week?) critical thinking section in any intro philosophy or composition course.”
  • Help Your Math
    From Ke Xin of BMCC, Help Your Math is a volunteer- and donation-based open education resource tailored to BMCC Mathematics classes.
  • MMP 100 | Intro to Multimedia | Course Hub
    “This course hub website contains OER (Open Educational Resources)/ZTC (Zero Textbook Cost) resources for faculty teaching Introduction to Multimedia (MMP 100) at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. These resources are freely available for use by BMCC faculty and beyond. This work was created by Anna Pinkas and Jody Culkin.”
  • Philosophy Textbooks
    These textbooks were created by Philip A. Pecorino of Queensboro Community College.
  • Precalculus [PDF]
    This open textbook by Thomas Tradler and Holly Carley of City Tech “has the overarching theme of ‘functions.’ This means that many of the often more algebraic topics studied in the previous courses are revisited under this new function theoretic point of view.”
  • Science Forward
    Created by the CUNY Macauley Honors Program, “Science Forward is an open educational resource to help you make the most of your Science Forward class. It’s also a model for how anyone could teach core science principles anywhere in the world.”
  • Sociology101
    Including a syllabus, readings, assignments, and other resources, this wiki was organized by Jessie Daniels for Sociology 101 faculty and students at Hunter as well as “for anyone teaching a beginning sociology course.”
  • Visionlearning: Your Insight into Science
    “Our peer-reviewed modules, grouped into scientific disciplines, explore a range of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics from a process perspective.” Content at Visionlearning, which was founded by Anthony Carpi of John Jay College, is free but not openly licensed.