MMP 100 | Intro to Multimedia | Course Hub “This course hub website contains OER (Open Educational Resources)/ZTC (Zero Textbook Cost) resources for faculty teaching Introduction to Multimedia (MMP 100) at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. These resources are freely available for use by BMCC faculty and beyond. This work was created by Anna Pinkas and Jody Culkin, and funded by the New York State Department of Education.”
Open Textbooks and Courses
3D Animation By Praseed Nair and A C Balaji, “this course covers 3D visual designing and animation using open source software. It has five modules: Modelling, Shading, Animation and Rigging, Lighting and Rendering, and Dynamics. It follows a practical approach to multimedia animation.”
Computer Graphics and Computer Animation: A Retrospective Overview By Wayne E. Carlson, “this book was developed in an attempt to maintain in one location the information and references that point to the many important historical developments of the short life of the computer graphics world as we know it.”
Exploring Movie Construction & Production: What’s so exciting about movies? “The discussion covers theme, genre, narrative structure, character portrayal, story, plot, directing style, cinematography, and editing. Important terminology is defined and types of analysis are discussed and demonstrated.”
Moving Pictures: An Introduction to Cinema “A free and open-source introduction to the art and science of moving pictures, offering in-depth exploration of how cinema communicates, and what, exactly, it is trying to say.”
Telling Stories to Save the World: Climate Change in Narrative Film This book “explores the history and impact of the ‘Cli-Fi Film,’ or Climate Fiction Film, a sub-genre of narrative cinema that depicts, on some level, the effects of climate change on the Earth and its inhabitants.” It includes an overview of the facts of climate change, chapters discussing the characteristics of narrative film and cli-fi film, and chapters on films in various categories, such as comedies, psychological thrillers, and post-climapocalyptic dystopias.
Understanding Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication (University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing) This text “will support an engaging and interesting course experience for students that will not only show them the powerful social, political and economic forces will affect the future of media technology, but will challenge students to do their part in shaping that future.”
Writing for Digital Media “True digital literacy,” argues the author in the introduction to this open textbook, “is about meaningful and thoughtful engagement that has a positive impact on you as well as the communities of which you are a part.” With sections on critical literacy and rhetorical literacy, the book begins with theoretical considerations of digital literacy and writing for digital media, and then in a section on functional literacy it concludes with a more practical treatment of “the nuts and bolts of digital writing, providing guidelines, best practices, and design strategies for a variety of genres.”