
Open Books

  • Chemistry 2e (OpenStax)
    Chemistry 2e is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the two-semester general chemistry course. The textbook provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of chemistry and understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them.”
  • Chemistry: Atoms First 2e (OpenStax)
    “This text is an atoms-first adaptation of OpenStax Chemistry 2e. The intention of ‘atoms-first’ involves a few basic principles: first, it introduces atomic and molecular structure much earlier than the traditional approach, and it threads these themes through subsequent chapters.”
  • Chemistry Open Textbooks (B.C. Open Textbook Collection)

Open and Zero-cost Resources

  • ChemCollective
    “The ChemCollective is a collection of virtual labs, scenario-based learning activities, tutorials, and concept tests. Teachers can use our content for pre-labs, for alternatives to textbook homework, and for in-class activities for individuals or teams. Students can review and learn chemistry concepts using our virtual labs, simulations, and tutorials.”
  • Chemistry Lab Manual (Santa Monica College)
    “This online lab manual was created by the chemistry faculty at SMC. Other institutions wishing to use our labs may do so provided that SMC is acknowledged and that the labs are not sold for profit.”
  • Chemistry library (Khan Academy)
  • Chemistry LibreTexts
    This hub includes a variety of open chemistry materials, from textbooks and homework exercises to virtual laboratories and other interactive materials.
  • Freshman Organic Chemistry I & II (Open Yale)
    These two courses from Open Yale are based on lectures by J. Michael McBride, who was the Richard M. Colgate Professor of Chemistry.
  • OpenStax Chemistry 2e (OER Commons)
    “Access, develop and share resources created by the OpenStax community that align with OpenStax Chemistry 2e.”
  • PhET Chemistry Interactive Simulations