

  • Libros En Español
    This collection of Spanish-language texts in the public domain is provided by Manifold @CUNY.

Open Textbooks

Textbook Collections

Textbooks for Beginners

  • Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!
    This book “focuses on the development of communication skills in interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes while centering student voices.”
  • Hola a Todos: Elementary Spanish I
    Seven chapters include “grammar and vocabulary pre-class activities, lectures, and post-class homework.”
  • Let’s Chat! Interpersonal Speaking Activities for the Spanish Classroom (The Pathways Project)
  • ¡Libro Libre!
    This website provides links to free resources as well as Libro Libre: Beginning Spanish, an introductory Spanish textbook, available as a downloadable PDF.
  • Spanish (Wikibooks)
    “This Wikibook aims to teach the Spanish language from scratch. It will cover all of the major grammar rules, moving slowly and offering exercises and plenty of examples. It’s not all grammar though, as it offers vocabulary and phrases too, appealing to all learners.”
  • Spanish 001
    “For both the teacher and student alike, this Spanish I book is intended for a first-year, college Elementary Spanish I level. It also attempts to make the study of a language, in this case Spanish, more than another required subject.”
  • Spanish I: Beginning Spanish Language and Culture
    “This peer-reviewed textbook is designed for the true beginner with U.S. college students in mind.”
  • Yo puedo: para empezar
    This text for introductory Spanish “incorporates the flipped classroom methodology.”
  • Yo puedo: segundos pasos
    In this text for the second semester of Spanish, the authors “sought to enhance second language learning by creating our own materials that take a new approach, the flipped classroom model.”

Anthologies and Textbooks for More Advanced Students

  • Antología abierta de literatura hispana
    “Una antología crítica de textos literarios del mundo hispanohablante. Se enfoca en autores canónicos y también se intenta incluir voces marginadas. Cada texto tiene una introducción y anotaciones creadas por estudiantes.” This anthology was created by Dr. Julie Ward and her students.
  • Culturas hispanas a través de la pantalla / Hispanic Cultures Through the Screen
    “Este libro de texto busca fomentar el visionado crítico de productos audiovisuales contemporáneos y el reflexionar sobre la representación de las culturas hispanas en webseries y vídeos musicales. This textbook aims to promote critical viewing of contemporary audiovisual products and thinking about the representation of Hispanic cultures in web series and music videos.”
  • La lingüística hispánica: Una introducción
    “This book […] is aimed at Spanish students in American universities and aims to offer a brief and simple introduction to Hispanic linguistics.” The creators of this project are looking for a team to take over its development.
  • Let’s Chat! Interpersonal Speaking Activities for the Spanish Classroom (The Pathways Project)
  • Leyendas y arquetipos del Romanticismo español, Segunda edición
    This book “is an introduction to nineteenth-century Spanish literature with a thematic focus on legends and archetypes. It presents Romanticism in the context of nineteenth-century literary and social movements. It is designed as a first anthology for intermediate Spanish students at American universities. Although brief, it includes poetry, drama in verse and short story. The works have been selected for their literary interest and the social importance of their themes. They are all by canonical authors.”
  • Manual de Redacción
    This textbook for advanced Spanish composition students “includes topics on grammar and syntax, as well as exercises and readings providing the students a more personalized and effective learning experience adjusted to the specific challenges they encounter in today’s global world.”
  • Palabras propias
    “The goal of this project is to provide high-quality, accessible primary sources to those teaching and studying the histories and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world and the indigenous peoples of Latin America.”
  • Para vivir con salud
    This book is designed for “the needs and interests of students preparing for careers in health or even seeking to add a ‘health track’ to their majors or minors. Para vivir offers an introduction to reading different literary and cultural texts from the Spanish-speaking world with a thematic focus on health.”
  • ¡Que viva la música!: Repaso de conversación en español
    This textbook is aimed at conversational review and “is organized around nine different songs that provide students opportunities to practice, aurally and orally, as well as in writing, the main communicative goals and key grammatical structures learned in previous classes.”
  • Recorridos
    “The language of the Siglo de Oro can be an insurmountable barrier for many readers. This textbook provides historical information, narrative techniques, lists of characters, themes and key words before they begin to read each chapter of Don Quixote.”
  • Reflexiones sobre nuestra lengua
    Reflexiones sobre nuestra lengua se compone de ocho unidades temáticas pertinentes a la realidad social de los hablantes de español como lengua de herencia en los Estados Unidos. Además de enfocarse en la escritura como un proceso, se enfatiza el desarrollo de una conciencia sociolingüística y crítica del lenguaje en esta población estudiantil.”
  • Salón de Clase: Intermediate Spanish for Education Professionals
    This book is “a comprehensive intermediate Spanish open access textbook with reading, listening, speaking, and writing practice for students who have an interest and/or intend to pursue a career in the field of Education (teachers, administrators, counselors, psychologists, social workers, support staff members, paraprofessionals, among others).”

Additional Open and Zero-cost Resources

  • Cervantes’ Don Quixote (Open Yale)
    This course “facilitates a close reading of Don Quixote in the artistic and historical context of renaissance and baroque Spain.”
    These freely accessible language lessons at the Global Language Online Support System are from the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center. Click the button next to “Spanish” before searching to access Spanish-language materials.
  • MERLOT Materials for Spanish
    These materials for Spanish-language instruction are from MERLOT’s World Languages Collection.
  • OER: Curso de Escritura en Español
    This OER is designed for upper-level Spanish writing courses. The openly licensed website includes peer review training sessions, classroom activities, handouts to guide students’ writing processes, and peer review guidelines.
  • Spanish 1 (Wikiversity)
    This introductory course is designed for speakers of English.
  • Spanish Ancillary Activities and OER Materials (The Pathways Project)
    This project, “an initiative from the Department of World Languages at Boise State University, is a collaborative network of open educational resources (OER) including instructional language teaching materials and professional development created by and uniquely for Idaho’s K-16 language teachers and students.”
  • Spanish Grammar in Context
    This site provides “authentic video examples” of Spanish grammar with practice quizzes.
  • Spanish Language/Clase de lenguaje
    Originally published on OpenStax CNX, these readings, lesson plans, and other resources are for students working at the level of AP Spanish and their teachers.
  • Spanish resources from COERLL
    This collection of open Spanish materials is from the U.S. Department of Education–funded Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL).