Week 5 – Workshop III

10 posts

Week 5 – Workshop III

For instructions on how to submit a post, please follow these instructions: https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/mmp460-1100-fall2021/posting-on-open-lab/

Find a simple app and layout its user flow (you don’t have to include ALL the possible interactions, but there should be at least 15-20 screens in your user flow) with pen & paper. The drawings can be rough, but the flow of possible interactions should be clear.

Take a photo of your map, write a short description (which app did you select and why)  and post a link to your work on Open Lab. * Use the title format “[FirstName] [LastName] workshop III ” and select the Category “Week 5 – Workshop III”

Omara Aguilar workshop III

I chose the app Instagram, personally it’s the one I use most and know best. Not to mention, I feel like it’s one of the easier and most well known apps that constantly upgrade and change. The user flow may even change again at some point. It constantly changes to suit the modern day view but it is still easy to handle.
