A video recording of the synchronous sessions for the week will be uploaded after each class to this folder (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s8lpbwnw768exvp/AAD_wCFERsLKwgi2EAHeBdGya?dl=0) (the password can be found on the “Welcome” page of this course’s Blackboard site – email me if you can’t find it)
Crit: pitch presentations
Each team will present their pitch deck. Be prepared to offer feedback to your classmates. Everyone should write at least one comment in the Zoom chat during the presentation. Please use this space for constructive feedback that will help the team move forward and make changes. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Is the idea for the campaign clear?
- Is there a target audience and does it seem appropriate for the social cause?
- Is the choice of media a good fit for the issue at hand and the target audience
- Is the visual/tonal style appropriate?
- What could make this campaign more powerful?
- What are its strongest/weakest elements?
Planning the digital media workshops
Over the next two to three weeks, we will conduct a series of workshops that will help you bring your campaign projects to life. You will have to submit exercises for each workshop (the cumulated grade will count as 25% of your final grade).
Gather with your group and review the list of possible workshops. Discuss which ones would benefit your project the most. List your top 4 (in order of preference) (one list per group). If you can think of another type of skill/workshop not currently on the list but that you think you need to produce your campaign, list it alongside your selection. When prompted, enter your choices in the Zoom poll.
Portfolio formatting
Continue working on your portfolio. Format the works you selected and their description with a web-based platform. You can use any of the following:
- CMS templates: There are several templates available online that will require very little coding on your part. A lot of these are free (or have free versions that can be upgraded later):
- OpenLab (a platform built with WordPress for the BMCC community)
- WordPress.com
- Wix
- Squarespace.com
- Carbonmade.com
- Adobe Portfolio (free with any CC subscription)
- Custom website: if you are interested in a career in web development, creating your own website with custom HTML/CSS/JS) is a nice way of showing of your front-end development skills. You can start coding from scratch or use a library such as Bootstrap. You can use Github to host it for free.
- Social Media: While Instagram, Deviant Art, Dribble, and Behance can’t fully replace a full portfolio with an about page, categories, resume etc. it’s a good idea to create an account and feature your work on these platforms as well.
Things to keep in mind:
- Be thoughtful about what to showcase on your homepage. It should NOT be a generic image from Google!
- Think about how to organize your work on the site. For example, by type (websites, print, paintings, drawings etc.), by skill (design, development), by software (Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash).
- Make sure all the text has been proof read. Remember: Careless writing will set back even the most beautiful visual work.
- Make sure all the documentation is engaging and clear. Images should be large (no upsampling/pixelation).
For next week, work on your portfolios. Revise the text, revise your selection of projects, re-export images if necessary and pick a platform. Follow the instructions on the “Week 3 – Portfolio (revisions)” page to submit.