Week 10: Peer Review



Activity 1: What is peer review?

Have you ever participated in a peer review session? If so, what did you do? In this class, you will critique two of your classmates’ essays, ans you will receive feedback from 2 of your classmates as well This process will help you reflect on your writing, and revise it.

Use the following peer review questions for each of the 2 drafts you review:

Be sure to explain your answers–replies like “Yes” and “No” and even “Yes, this draft includes a thesis statement” are not helpful–be specific.

1.Does the draft include a thesis statement/ conclusion? What is it? Is it clearly stated and arguable?

2.Does every body paragraph begin with a premise/ topic sentence that supports the thesis?

3.Does each body paragraph include relevant supporting evidence? Explain.

4.Does the draft include 3 sources, at least two of which are from CQ Researcher or Opposing Viewpoints/ BMCC database?

5.Does the research support the author’s thesis without replacing their voice? For example, if there is a quote, is it explained and analyzed?

6.Does the author include at least 1 opposing viewpoint, followed by a refutation? Explain.

7.Is it clear who the audience is/ who the draft is addressed to?

8. Is the draft well-organized?

9. What are the strengths of this draft?

10. Do you have any other comments or suggestions?

Activity 2: Your outline + draft


Activity 3: What to do?

Peer Review in class.

50 points: you submitted your essay by the deadline

50 points: you peer-reviewed available essays by deadline 

25 points extra: complete one of this week’s extra credit assignments

Activity 4: Submit annotated bibliography on Blackboard.

You are writing an annotated bibliography as an indication of the sources you intend to use for your essay. The goal here is to continue thinking critically about your topic and the sources you decide to incorporate into your essay. Your annotated bibliography must include at least 4 sources relevant to your topic. For each source,

  • write 3-5 sentences summarizing or describing content, including the main idea/ argument
  • 1-2 sentences providing an evaluation of the source’s usefulness: why the source is interesting or helpful to you.

I encourage you to (re)use your source from the Summary and Response assignment here.

Activity 5: Extra credit opportunities

Select 1 of the 3 options below for up to 25 extra points on your peer review grade.

  • Schedule an appointment with a tutor at BMCC’s Writing Center or CRT tutoring. Bring your essay draft and essay guidelines. Take a screenshot of your confirmed appointment. Write a brief paragraph stating what you worked on during the session. Submit both on Blackboard under Week 10 Extra Credit.
  • Read one sample argumentative essay, and answer this question: how can reading the sample essay help you with revising your own essay? Be specific. (200 words min)
  • Once you have received feedback from classmates, think about how you may want to revise your draft. Address the following questions: What, according to your critics, are the strengths of your draft? Do you agree? What, according to your critics, might you need to work on? Do you agree? How do you plan to revise and improve your draft? Be specific (200 words min).

Activity 6: Sample essays

Read one or more of the essays below as you think about how to revise your own essay. Please note that the essays below are not addressed to a specific audience, as this is a recent revision I’ve made to this assignment. I am trying to create more non-disposable assignments, so assignments that have some connection to your world outside of BMCC, and this is one of them. Instead of writing an essay for me, you are writing an essay addressed to a specific group or person who should consider your ideas.

