What is the story/ event?
This article is about how Trump is Telling the media that Biden is too old to be Elected for 2024. The event is the election that's being held in 2024 to see who's going to be the president. therefore. In The first Article He quote’’ "CROOKED JOE BIDEN is NOT too OLD, he is too INCOMPETENT!". Therefore, what I think he means by this is saying that Biden's not old He's just not Ready To be elected for next year because since he's old You never know what's going to happen Meaning you never know when it's his time to go. Which I think Is wrong because just because Bidens old doesn’t mean that has not ready for next year. However, All the presidents are old, so the reason why I think Trump said this is because He knows that since it's the election It means that it's going to be divided by two people who support Trump and people who support Biden. And you never know who's going to get the most votes for the next election, which is why he wants Biden to drop down from the election so then he could get the spot and be the president. of 2024.
What facts were included in all three stories?
Center article
In the first article One fact is how Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell He was questioned a lot because of his age, and they believed that he couldn't come back From Whatever he was going through with his health they never thought that he would come back and continue doing what he was doing in the area that he's working in. therefore too add on there was another person Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein has faced a lot of calls about how she should retire because of her age Mind you, these people that are telling her to retire are the people in her own party Therefore What I'm noticing is how These articles Are Talking about how people Are judging them because of their age. They assume that they are supposed to retire and not continue working because of how old they are.
right article
In the right article, it talks about how Trump said that Biden is too old to be reelected in for 2024. Because of how old he is. Biden's 80. Trump is younger He's 77 So in the Interview with Kelly. He talks about how he has many friends who are in their 80s. and he started naming these friends for example he said Bernie Marcus, that are in their 90s, and he speaks about how they're very sharp and he does not speak badly about them. But when it comes to Biden, he says that it's ‘’he not old but grossly Incompetent.’’ So, what I'm gathering is that He's trying to make it seem like he's not Being Rude about. What he's saying because now he's trying to Make it seem like oh. I'm not saying that there's nothing wrong with being old because I have friends that are older, so he is trying to make it seem like the good person that doesn’t care about age. Even though he was bashing Biden Publicly about his age. Now he's trying to cover it up by saying that, oh no, I'm not trying to be offensive here I have friends that are 90 and older than me’’.
Left article
In the left article it talks about how he rejects the concerns of Biden's age, and they talk about how many people. Not only him are concerned about Biden's age and about him being too old to be reelected For Next Election that's being held. However, I believe this is a newer interview. His response to this was ‘’No, not for the reason of old, because I have many friends that are in their 80s.’’ so it seems like he's trying to. Make it seem like he wasn't bashing Biden for his age, and I feel like he's trying to cover up. What He said by trying to save himself by saying Oh no, I have friends that are older than me, so there's nothing wrong with that. ‘’ and I feel like the reason why he's trying to save himself is because he doesn’t want to have a bad reputation for people not to want to vote for him for the next election. But instead of not voting for him, they'll vote for Biden So that's why he's trying to save himself. so that people will believe that he's the right person to be voted for.
Was there one news source that contained facts the other two did not?
I believe that the first article the central article had more facts and details then the other two just because in the other two it was just Talking about the same thing just Flipped. because one moment he was talking and bashing biden about how he's too old. and then the next moment he's talking about how he rejects any concerns of him being owed because he has friends that are older than him. and then in the first article it was just talking more coming from both side People tend to argue about the ages of Presidents and people that are in organizations like senators that are older than their peers. But even when people tend to bash those people for being older than their peers, it doesn't affect them because they still end up doing what they want to do.
Why might that be? What did you notice about the language/word choice?
What language I had noticed, and word choices was in the Central Article Trump used words like crook and incompetent. But he will also use that word in the right article too. He would tend to repeat saying the same thing and then he would say words like sharp and tack "grossly incompetent’’
Was there leading or subjective language to favor one point of view over another?
Yes, because one moment he was calling Biden a "CROOKED JOE BIDEN is NOT too OLD, he is too INCOMPETENT! And then the next moment he's trying to switch it up and say that. He rejects concerns about calling him that and making excuses that He has friends older than him. That are 80 and 90.
Can you detect any examples of bias? Explain.
One example is you are having a debate, and you disagree with the other options
Second example is you are having an agreement with your partner, and you end up cutting him off
Third example is you said something offensive to someone and they correct you on what you said you ignore it even if you are wrong in the situation.
Ciara Cintron
3 thoughts on “Trump Comments on Biden’s Age”
Hi Cici, this is Carlo Vivar I agree with the way you view the center although it is kind of broad and its just a generalization of the topic, I think you were able to understand it very well and you helped me understand it even though our articles and topics were different. Reading your post, I understood this text.
The analysis suggests that the central article contains more facts and details, which aligns with a balanced and informative approach to reporting. In contrast, the right and left articles appear to emphasize different aspects of Trump’s comments, potentially reflecting a more polarized viewpoint. This suggests a degree of bias in how the information is presented, with each article favoring a particular perspective. A more objective news source should strive to provide a well-rounded view, but the language and word choices in these articles indicate some subjectivity in favor of their respective positions. I would say I agree more with the left and central perspective than the right one personally.
Left-wing and right-wing articles often have different positions and biases when it comes to Trump’s comments about Biden’s age. These biases are rooted in their respective political ideologies and perspectives.
Right-leaning articles may be more likely to downplay or dismiss Trump’s comments about Biden’s age. They might argue that Trump is merely highlighting a legitimate concern about Biden’s fitness for office. Right-leaning articles might use Trump’s comments as a launching point to criticize President Biden’s policies and performance in office.
Left-wing articles: Left-leaning articles are more likely to criticize Trump’s comments about Biden’s age as politically motivated and intended to undermine the current administration. they might characterize Trump’s remarks as ageist and argue that they are part of a broader pattern of derogatory comments by Trump and his supporters.