The message that she gives in the lyrics of the song is that she has achieved everything with her talent , that she is the best and not because of the lights or what other people say or anything like that and that despite all the money they have she does not forget her roots and that she is proud of who she is and of her family and in the video she lets us see where she belongs and shows us her culture and her people and her luxuries and that she is a diva.
No, my reaction was different, because my initial reaction was that she was bragging about everything she had and just wanted people to understand all the money she has.
Matsouka helped Beyonce with her video by searching the internet and art for inspiration about the black race since slavery began and how everything changed over time and made sure each scene was depicted according to what Beyonce wanted to project in her song. training, he achieved all this by creating scenes of what his career is like then and now and as he shows how society does not help him in the scene where she is on top of the sinking car, Matsouka also created the scenes where she looked like a diva like her. What she wanted to show and then helped her rehearse the scenes until they were perfect and showed what Beyoncé wanted to express in her song.
Her role was to project the lyrics into each scene of the song and convey Beyoncé’s message. We can see examples of emotional language. Matsoukas operated another camera from a speedboat. “Everyone was scared, because the water was cold.” “Beyoncé told Elle that she was not anti-police. “I have so much admiration and respect for officers and the families of the officers who sacrifice themselves to keep us safe,” she said. “But let’s be clear: I am against police brutality and injustice”.
The song and video became controversial because Beyoncé said everything that people think is wrong and showed how she really is and that there is nothing wrong with her culture just like her skin color and in the video she showed everything that the haters didn’t want to see like in the songs lyrics.
One thought on “conversation 2”
Hey Jacqueline,
I also initially believed Beyoncé was coming off as pretentious but changed my opinion after re-watching and looking deeper. The video is very flaunty however she’s really just pushing the point that black people are the founders of such a rich culture.