Author Archives: Eylul Karaosman


What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper’s job?

Harper Jones is a 26-year-old marketing coordinator at Marketable Incorporation. She had the same role since she was 22. After Jose left, Jones had some difficulty trying to catch up with the workload. The most demotivating part of Harper’s job is her not being heard. Harper Jones had to take over Jose’s work since the company didn’t find anyone else for his position. Harper understands that David has many more responsibilities; however, she feels stressed because there is no one to talk to.

If you were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor, David, what advice would you give to help David re-engage Harper?

If I were an HR manager, I would tell David to check up on his employees. As an HR manager, I would get that David has a lot on his plate; however, other employees might be struggling too; this can lead to workers quitting, which would not be suitable for the company. I would also suggest finding a new employee to cover Jose’s role so other employees won’t have to do more than they were told to do. Not finding someone to cover Jose’s position can lead to employee burnout.

What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee?

Losing Harper as an employee would be appalling for the company. Harper Jones has been doing all the work Jose was supposed to do. Losing Harper would mean the company would have doubled the position to do. The company won’t be able to finish tasks on time which can lead to stress and financially affect them. Harper has also been with the company for four years, and if they find someone else, maybe the person they find won’t be able to do the work as well as Harper.

The Founder

What makes Ray Kroc and the brothers different from each other?

Ray Kroc and The Brothers had a different vision regarding Mcdonald’s. The Brothers first did not want to franchise Mcdonald’s and had a limited menu. The Brothers wanted to focus on the food, like burgers and drinks. On the other hand, Ray Kroc wanted to focus more on the business side and grow the business. Ray kept trying to get rid of the contract and buy the company.

Do you think the McDonald’s brothers did the right thing by selling out to Ray Kroc? Did Ray Kroc give the brothers a good deal?

Ray Kroc first started selling milkshake machines to Mcdonald’s. After, he offered to franchise the store, even though the brothers were first against it. Initially, the brothers agreed on getting 1.9% of the franchisees’ profit. However, Kroc did not pay them. In 1955, Ray Kroc opened 18 franchisees and bought the company for $2.7 million. I don’t think the brothers did the right thing by selling the company because they could’ve gotten more money, and Ray Kroc didn’t pay them for the percentage of the sale.

How did the local store franchisees make money?

Ray Kroc trained all of his employees to make high-quality, fast burgers. He was also open-minded to new ideas from other franchisees. For example, filet-o-fish, Big Mac, and Egg McMuffin were created by other franchisees. Also, the stores were independent.

How did Kroc make money? How was that different than the franchisees, running the local stores?

After opening a few franchisees, Kroc then opened a real estate company. The company would buy the land franchisees could rent to run McDonald’s restaurants. After making a lot of money, he purchased Mcdonlds for 2.7 million dollars from the brothers.

Does this film change your view of McDonald’s?

The movie did not change my view on Mcdonald’s; however, I was shocked at how Ray Kroc accomplished being that successful. He went from selling Milkshake machines to owning Mcdonald’s, worth 183.7 billion dollars. Kroc had clever ideas about expanding the company and making it thrive today. Even though I think he was a little unfair to the brothers, Kroc was smart and knew what he was doing.

Starbucks Ethics

Starbucks has been part of my life for a while now. I go there daily to get my morning coffee and get greeted by amazing baristas. I also used to work there, so I know how hard it sometimes gets. However, Starbucks always supported us to get through tough times.

Starbucks is mainly known for its excellent customer service, and its slogan is “To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.” When I first got hired, I had to complete a training module about sexual assault and how to prevent that. While training, the main thing they taught us was customer connection. Another thing my manager told me was Starbucks tries to help its employees in every way possible. For example, employees had healthcare, free Lyft depending on the store’s location, free therapy, and many more. Before, Starbucks used to get many reports on employee relations issues. To fix this, they encourage employees to speak up and educate them on what is right and wrong in the work environment. Starbucks also commits to access and disability inclusion; you can work at Starbucks even if you have a physical disability. In addition, Starbucks doesn’t discriminate if you are a felon.

Starbucks cares about its Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR). CSR’s primary goal is to have a positive impact on communities. Starbucks partners up with community stores to help nonprofit organizations. “The nonprofits these stores work with offer services aimed to meet the needs of the communities they’re located in. Starbucks in turn donates $0.05 to $0.15 per transaction to the nonprofit partner.” In 2004, Starbucks launched an ethical sourcing approach called Coffee Farmer and Equity (C.A.F.E) practices. “C.A.F.E. Practices is a verification program that measures farms against economic, social and environmental criteria, all designed to promote transparent, profitable and sustainable coffee growing practices while also protecting the well-being of coffee farmers and workers their families and their communities.” (C.A.F.E) ensures their coffee and tea are dependably and ethically produced.

As for environmental sustainability, by 2030, Starbucks is committed to reducing carbon, water, and waste footprints by half. They will expand plant-based menus, switch to reusable cups, and invest in regenerative agriculture, reforestation, forest conservation, and water replenishment. Starbucks is also investing about $97 million in new community solar projects. It will supply solar energy to 24,000+ households, small businesses, nonprofits, churches, universities, and Starbucks Stores. Starbucks doesn’t only serve coffee but also helps its planet.

Eylul Karaosman

My name is Eylul Karaosman, my preferred name is Ava. I am 18 years old and I am majoring in business management. My hobbies are reading, walking, hanging out with friends, and learning. My BMCC email is:

Eylul Karaosman

My name is Eylul Karaosman, my preferred name is Ava. I am 18 years old and my major is Business Management. My hobbies are going to the gym, hanging out with friends, and walking. My BMCC email is: