Networking Organizations and Listservs

Join these networks to connect with other people who are adopting, adapting, and creating OER.


Rebus Community
Rebus is “a global community working together to create and share Open Educational Resources (OER). Here you’ll find people, processes, and tools to support your publishing efforts.”


  • CCCOER-Advisory
    The CCCOER-Advisory listserv is a public discussion list intended for community college faculty, librarians, instructional designers, administrators, and other educators who are interested in open education policy, practices, and resources.
  • SPARC Libraries & OER Forum (LibOER)
    LibOER “is a vibrant community of practice for academic library professionals and allied stakeholders interested in open education.”
  • OER Digest
    The OER Digest is a bi-weekly newsletter for open education updates, opportunities, and reminders.