Find open and zero-cost resources for courses in art and art history.
jean amaral
Find OER for courses in Communications Studies.
Find open and zero-cost resources for classes in English.
Find open textbooks and other open and zero-cost resources for classes in German.
Find OER and other zero-cost resources for teaching music, including sources of openly licensed or free recordings and scores.
Find open and zero-cost resources for courses in Portueguese.
Find OER and other zero-cost resources, including BMCC’s open textbook, Start Here, Speak Anywhere!
Find open textbooks and other OER and zero-cost resources for Theatre.
Find open and zero-cost resources on Latin American and Latino Studies.
Find open books and other zero-cost resources on Africana and Black Studies.
Check out these resources to get acquainted with the research on outcomes of using OER, student perceptions of OER, social justice and OER, and many other aspects of OER creation and use.
All Creative Commons (CC) licenses require attribution. On this page, learn how to give credit to the creators of CC-licensed work.
On this page, learn about some of the ways to open education, beyond adopting OER.
Learn about networks where you can connect with other people who are adopting, adapting, and creating OER.
On this page, learn about Creative Commons licenses, the open licenses commonly used by creators of OER.
On this page, learn where you can find OER created by CUNY faculty, staff, and students.
Find open and zero-cost resources on geology and environmental science.
Find open and zero-cost resources for courses in physics.
Find open and zero-cost resources for courses in engineering.
Find open and zero-cost resources for courses in chemistry.
Find open and zero-cost resources, including lab manuals and other ancillaries, for courses in biology.
Find open and zero-cost resources for courses in astronomy.
Find open books and other zero-cost resources for courses in sociology.
Find a variety of OER and tools for courses in psychology.
Find a variety of open and zero-cost resources on political science and philosophy, including open and public domain editions of core texts.
Find a variety of OER for philosophy courses.
Find open and zero-cost resources on geography.
Find many open textbooks for courses in economics, as well as some other open and zero-cost resources.
Find a variety of OER and zero-cost resources for courses in anthropology.
Find open and zero-cost books, courses, and other resources for courses on accounting.
Find open and zero-cost resources for classes in allied health sciences.
Find open and zero-cost resources for classes in teacher education.
Find OER and zero-cost resources for classes in nursing.
Find open and zero-cost resources for courses in Media Arts and Technology.
Find a wealth of OER and zero-cost resources on mathematics.
Find open and zero-cost resources on human services.
Find open and zero-cost resources for history in various regions and eras.
Find OER on nutrition.
Find OER and other zero-cost resources for courses in Gender and Women’s Studies.
Find OER and other zero-cost resources for courses in Ethnic Studies.
Interested in getting started with OER? On this page, find some of the (many!) places where you can begin your search for open educational resources.
Are you thinking about adapting or creating OER for a course? On this page, learn what guides and tools can help you get started.
Learn about BMCC’s participation in a pilot study of Waymaker funded by the Gates Foundation.
Learn about New York State’s funding of OER and ZTC initiatives at CUNY.
Learn about BMCC’s participation in Achieving the Dream’s OER Degree Initiative.
Find OER on criminal justice, including textbooks and textbook chapters, courses, and websites.
Find open and zero-cost resources for CIS and computer science courses.
Find open and zero-cost resources on business.
Find OER and other zero-cost resources for courses in Academic & Critical Reading, Critical Thinking, ESL, and Linguistics.