The race of the writer will always matter when the narrative deals with the issue of race. The reader must know the race of the writer in order to understand the perspective of the writing. Readers need to know if the writing comes from a place of experience or from one’s assumption of how the issue of race may have gone. The details of someone’s experience with racial issues will always be more meaningful than from someone else’s view on it. The person writing from an outside looking in view may downplay the profundity of the issue of race. There is an exception if learning and teaching about race issues is your life’s work. If you’ve spent years studying and interviewing people so that you can bring their experiences to an audience because it is hard for their voices to be heard, then I think that it is plausible. I believe that is the impact Kate Chopin has had with her writings. Bringing the voice of minorities as well as her own to the forefront.
Category Archives: Chopin
Desiree Baby
Does the writer’s race matter when the narrative deals with issues of race, probably it does. Each person doesn’t matter what race they are, they experience racism in their own way. Even though the writer is white and the story that Kate Chopin wrote Desiree’s Baby there is racism in it. Desiree had a baby that was born black. But she is a white lady and supposedly the father is white too, so why would the baby be born darker than both of them? Not knowing that the father’s mother is black, she died when he was young. The father Armand did not accept that the child was born darker. Desiree still loves her son and was leaving with him because the father didn’t want them anymore. Majority of the people that experience racism is people of color, back then the black were slaves and nowadays there racism against people of color. Black’s authors write more about their experience growing up as a colored person.
When reading about slavery you would think a person of color would be the writer of story but that’s not always the case. Kate Chopin was one of many writers who wrote about racism and slavery. I believe race definitely matters when the narrative deals with issues of race because the perspectives will be different. A white person may see things differently than a black person during those time because their lives were so different. Although anyone can tell someone’s story through point of view it is more accurate if someone who delt with those issues firsthand tell the story. During that time Kate Chopin did not experience the struggles of a black person so she can only share her experience.
Chopin Aniya m
I believe that when the narrative focuses on race, a writer’s race matters in which it may affect how the topic is analyzed. A person of one race may have their own perception or personal bias of another based on personal experiences and their own beliefs. When it comes to portraying one’s own race, the writer has a first hand perspective and can give their own unbiased opinion. While anyone can depict the struggles of another through their own point of view, the most accurate perspective comes from the person or group going through that struggle.
Kate Chopin being a white woman in the 1890s has a high impact on how she depicts other races in her writing. During this time, white people lived a very different life than poc, specifically black people. Due to these differences, one would expect Kate Chopin to sugarcoat or downplay the struggles and racism experienced by black people. However, Kate Chopin accurately depicts the simple truths about the experiences of black people and racism amongst her community during the 1890s. An authors race does not matter when they are stirring about race, so long as they are able to put their own personal beliefs and biases
Does the writer’s race matter when the narrative deals with issues of race?
Kate Chopin an author that an excellent job portraying truth in distinct literary illustrations. I absolutely love how Chopin illuminate’s the readers understanding, on how much being identified as white man was so important during the 1800’s era. An example of how Chopin does this can be seen in these two pieces of scripture. “What Desiree said was true. Marriage, and later the birth of his son had softened Armand Aubigny’s imperious and exacting nature greatly.” (Chopin) and later m. “‘Armand,’ she panted once more, clutching his arm, ‘look at our child. What does it mean? tell me… ‘It means,’ he answered lightly, ‘that the child is not white; it means that you are not white.’ ” (Chopin) As we analyze these to two interactions, we notice how Chopin demonstrates how the reality of being a father sits into Armand, and how it softens his heart to be much more sensible and emphatic. But we then later see how the reality of his ethic background starts to haunt Armand when he sees the African American feature in his child. This reality causes Armand to deny his wife and child. Holding the importance of being identified as white man more than being a father and husband. Chopin uses this to explain to how valuable it was to be a white man and how influenced a man’s pride.
I mention all this to relay how Chopin does such a remarkable job conveying truth, not matter the race of Chopin. Race holds no weight when it comes to expressing opinions and facts on Race. I do not believe in classifying a person simply by their skin color. It simply is not fair; your skin color will never represent your heart. Your actions do. I have met a vast amount of white skinned color people with great personalities and great heart and vice versa. I am a Hispanic dark skinned colored man and was raised around many other dark-skinned men. What I have come to understand that everyone has the right to express their opinion.
Works Cited
Chopin, K. (n.d.). Desiree’s Baby. Retrieved from Gothic Digital Series @ UFSC:
Chopin & Race
In certain cases, I feel that the author’s race does not matter when dealing with racial issues, but you must do it in a way that avoids fostering bias. I believe the trick is to solicit feedback from genuine members of the culture you wish to write about. Putting their opinions ahead of your own, and never second-guessing them. People are more likely to believe a person and listen to what they have to say when they can relate to them. Chopin’s criticism just served to draw the attention of those who resembled her, something black people in that era were likely to find problematic.
Chopin and Race
I believe that the authors race does matter when their narrative deals with racial issues in some instances. Usually, the opinions of POC are ignored by other races but their own, people are more inclined to believe a person and listen to what they have to say when they can relate to them. Chopin’s critique just helped grab the attention of those who look like her, something black people that lived in that time period probably had difficulty doing. In addition, when a person writes about the racial injustices they’ve endured, that entices people who relate to them to listen and speak on their experiences to continue to spread these ideas. When determining whether the authors race has any importance depends on the issues that’s being brought to light or the audience you’re reaching for.
Since this story was written in 1892 it can be assumed that this story was written by Chopin for her white counterparts. Not many white Americans were writing stories that regarded racial differences in these days because they either still agreed with certain ideas or were scared to be outcasted. Because of this Chopin’s race played a big role in the reason why Desiree’s baby was such a success.