Week 1: Overview of the OpenLab and Asset-Based Pedagogies



Week 1 Learning Outcomes

  • Apply asset pedagogies to course and learning experience design
  • Develop familiarity with features and affordances of OpenLab sites
  • Create a course site on the OpenLab
  • Navigate between course profile and course site
  • Explain the difference between the course profile and course site and what can be done in each space
  • Be Awesome

Preparation for June 7 Zoom session

Please complete by Monday, June 6, at 12pm:

Agenda for Tuesday, June 7, 11:30am – 1:00 pm, Zoom session

Preparation for June 9 Zoom session

Agenda for Thursday, June 9, 11:30am – 1:00 pm, Zoom session

  • Welcome and review of last session
  • Breakout rooms: What inspired you about the sites you saw?
  • Overview of the OpenLab
  • First steps in creating your course site

Preparation for June 14 Zoom session