For me the teaching process is raising subjectivity to objectivity through the process of self-examination and self-reflection. I would like to see my work as an invitation for students to become self-determined actors who not just blindly repeat meaningless slogans, abondance of which in our society is overwhelming and dangerous, but know what they want, why they want and how their positing of their wants affects others.… Read more “Start to question yourself.”
Maksim Vak
2 posts
Hi everyone, My name is Maksim Vak. I teach philosophy. I’m looking forward to learning how to design a website that will work for asynchronous classes. I’m reading a bunch of books on Hegel’s Phenomenology, rereading Spengler’s Decline of the West and Nietzche’s Untimely meditations, and some Ukrainian fiction books.… Read more “Maksim Vak”