OpenLab Course Site/WordPress tasks

OpenLab Course Site/WordPress tasks

Complete the tasks below in your own OpenLab course site (in order, for the highest chances of success!):

  • 1. Promote one (or more) of us to admin (this will help us see the back-end of your site, in case you need help! And, you can demote us any time):
    • Course profile > membership > promote to admin
    • If you have no members to promote, then first add one of us by clicking “Invite New Members.” After we accept the invitation, you can promote us.
  • 2. Add an outside-the-site link to a page or post on your course site, and set it to open in a new tab:
    • When you add a link to another page within your own website, the best practice is for it to open in the same browser tab. However, when you add a link for your site visitors that exits your site, it’s a better practice to set the link to open in a new tab, so that your students don’t lose your site when they visit your links.
    • Add a link to any outside web-page that is a good resource for your students (a link to a textbook, a site that provides helpful tutorials for the course you teach, etc.):
      • First, find the website, and copy the address.
      • Course site > dashboard > [choose a page or a post and open the classic editor] > type the words you want to link (e.g., IPA Character Picker) > select the words you typed > click the chain link symbol above the text box > paste the url > click the gear icon > check the box “open link in a new tab” > click update > update the page or post > visit course site and reload the browser.
  • 3. Add an image to a post or page:
    • Course site > dashboard > [choose a page or a post to edit] > add media > upload files > select files > choose the photo from your computer > insert into page > update > visit course site and reload the browser.
  • 4. Add and embed pdf (of your syllabus, if possible) to a post or page:
    • Step 1: Course site > dashboard > pages > hover your mouse over “syllabus” > classic editor > add media > upload files > select files > [choose the pdf from your computer] > insert into page > [you’ll see some bracketed code there, but don’t worry] > update > visit course site and reload the browser.
    • Step 2: The embedded pdf looks fabulous, but a best practice is to provide a link to the pdf as well, so your students can download a copy. Return to the page editor, and above the bracketed code (you can push it down with the enter key), type “Download syllabus here” > insert media > this time, don’t upload anything new; instead, click on the pdf of your syllabus, and on the right, click inside the box that says “url” and copy the entire address > x out of the “insert media” pop-up (upper-right side) > select the word “here” > click the chain link symbol above the text box > paste the link to your pdf > gear icon > check the box “open link in a new tab” > update > update > visit course site and reload the browser.
  • 5. Embed a YouTube video:
    • Inside the editor of a page or post, paste the link (url) to a YouTube video. Make sure the url is not inside a bullet, or a numbered line, and is not linked to the internet–just paste it on its own. The video should play right in the page or post!
  • 6. (OPTIONAL) Embed a Google doc, sheet, or form into a page or post:
    • Course site > dashboard > [locate the page or post you want to edit] > paste this, and put square brackets around it:
      gdoc link=”THE LINK YOU COPIED” height=”800″
      > in between the first pair of quotes, delete THE LINK YOU COPIED, and then paste in the address to a Google doc, form, or sheet that you own (make sure it is set to be visible to people who are not logged in to your Google account) > update > visit course site and reload the browser.
    • Video tutorial for task 6
  • 7. (OPTIONAL): Change theme:
    • Course site > dashboard > appearance > theme > choose one > click activate > visit course site and reload the browser.
  • 8. (OPTIONAL): Remove something from the menu:
    • Let’s say you don’t want a syllabus page separate from a course schedule page:
      • Course site > dashboard > appearance > menus > click the arrow next to the schedule page > remove > save menu > visit course site and reload the browser.


    1. 1) Square brackets only (I can add this to the post).

      2) Make sure all four quotes are straight (not curly; you sometimes have to replace the quotes after a copy and paste).

      3) Make sure your Google doc link is a true Google doc link. If you click on the link and you see “open in Google docs” at the top, that link will not embed. Click on that option to open in Google docs, and then copy the link from the address bar from there.

      4) Make sure the link to your Google doc is not hyperlinked when you paste it between the quotes.

      Keep me posted!

      1. Hi Syelle, this worked, thank you!

        1. Square brackets it is. I’d be interested to know what the direct translation for square brackets is here. I believe WordPress uses square brackets to define short codes. I’d like to learn more about different codes that can be used in WordPress.
        2. I had to make the quotes straight manually, since–as you say–they come out curly in the copy and paste.
        3. Copying from the address bar, and not using the share link is key here. This is good to know.

        Thank you for helping with this!

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