Embedding a Dropbox Video

Embedding a Dropbox Video

Greetings, faculty! I hope your course sites are coming along nicely.

During the seminar, someone requested instructions for how to embed a Dropbox video in an OpenLab WordPress page or post:

  • To get the video link, log in to your Dropbox account in a web browser, locate the video file, and click “copy link” (sometimes, I have to click “share” first).
  • (To claim your CUNY Dropbox account, visit dropbox.cuny.edu, and sign in with your CUNYFirst login credentials; we have a terabyte of storage, so it’s great for videos, and students have the same in their accounts!)
  • In the block editor, search for a video block > insert from url > paste the video link.
  • To make the video embed/play right on your site, instead of linking out, go to the very end of the video url you pasted and change “dl=0” to “raw=1” > publish the page or post.

As a reminder, I’ll be in the CETLS faculty help hours today and tomorrow; schedule and sign-up here! I’m also available to you by appointment; send me an email to make one.