When you want to set what font is used to display text you set the font-family property. The value for the font-family property is a comma separated list of fonts. Here is an example: Font Stack The list of fonts in the value for font-family is often referred to as […]
Class on 10.23.19 Quizlet We will start with the quizlet live games How to get on: Download the app and put in the code I will show on the board. Search for Quizlet in your App Store Go to quizlet.live and enter the code I will show on the board […]
Class on Wednesday, September 25 Today we will work in roughly two parts. Part 1: Review of Assignment 3: CSS Grid and Assignment 4: Typographic Hierarchy Part 2: Adding images and Grid to Assignment 4. Part 1: Review of Assignment 3: CSS Grid and Assignment 4: Typographic Hierarchy We will […]
CLASS 6 on Monday 9/16/2019 Today we are going to look into typography and how to implement it on the web using CSS. Typography Basics We will start with looking at typography basics. This post covers that and more. Don’t worry if you don’t pick it all up right away. […]
This post presents the basics of typography through a set of rules to follow. Like all rules they are made to be broken, but you should learn them first before you start breaking them. If you follow these rules your web typography won’t suck. It will most likely be pretty […]
These are some of the more commonly used properties for typography and creating typographic hierarchy. Font (Typeface): This controls the font that is used. Also see the information on fonts in the CSS section of the Web Design Resources. CSS Property: font-family Example: font-family: "pt sans", sans-serif; https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-family Font Weight This controls the weight (boldness […]
This is a LONG list of web fonts. It’s meant to be used as a resource that you can come to when trying to find the right fonts for your web sites. Fonts with multiple weights These fonts have at least six weights including normal and italic versions Sans-Serif Alegreya […]
In your sites you generally don’t want to use more than 2 or 3 fonts. More than that can start to look a bit chaotic and can represent too many different tones. This video talks about choosing fonts and also talks about hierarchy and some other basics about typography. The video is just […]