Class on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 Today we are going to look at your midterm projects. At the end of class there will be an anonymous survey to fill out and we will talk about the rest of the semester. Remember to submit the URL to the Midterm Project assignment […]
This is a chance for you to give me feedback on how the midterm project went for you and any other feedback for the course. This is anonymous and doesn’t require your name to complete. If you can’t see the form below, Click here to open the form.
Today in class you will have time to work on the midterm projects. I have graded all Assignment 6 that were turned in. You may want to start there and look at my comments. There are two new posts related to the midterm: Midterm Helper Files: this has links to […]
The midterm project is due on Wednesday, November 6 at 10:59am. We will look over projects in class. Grading Rubric This post outlines the grading rubric used for the midterm project. Make sure to read it and check that you are addressing each area. Midterm Grading Rubric Midterm Related Posts […]
These files can help with the midterm Base HTML You can copy this Gist and use it as the base HTML for each file: open Gist. Remember to click the Raw link before copying. Navigation This post shows two simple ways to add in your navigation: Midterm Content This […]
Class on Monday 10.30.2019 Quizlet Reminder Today in class we will start with a reminder to register for Quizlet and, when you have some free time, to begin studying the sets for our class. Q&A: Assignment and Type Hierarchy We will then leave some time to ask questions from […]
This rubric will be used to score your midterm projects. [10%] Content Structure [15%] Content Quality and Attribution [10%] Visual Design: Layout [10%] Visual Design: Typography [10%] Interaction Design [15%] HTML [15%] CSS: Basic [10%] CSS: Grid [5%] Delivery: GitHub Pages You can download the PDF at this link.Below is […]
Class on 10.28.2019 Navigation Styling Links Gestalt Principle: Proximity Work on Midterm Typographic Hierarchy CodePen Base Typography Example: Pair and share
Class on 10.23.19 Quizlet We will start with the quizlet live games How to get on: Download the app and put in the code I will show on the board. Search for Quizlet in your App Store Go to and enter the code I will show on the board […]
Class on 10.21.19 Assignment 6 Q&A We are going to start the day answering questions about assignment 6 and making sure that everyone understands the Midterm content. Then we are going to move on to the Gestalt Principles. Gestalt Principles Today I will briefly introduce you to the Gestalt principles. […]
The content for the midterm version of the web site can be found in the Word files in the Dropbox folder linked below. You will download the files and then convert them to HTML. We will cover this in Class 12 and Class 13 and the initial conversion is part […]
Class on 10.16.2019 Today in class we are going to get everyone started on the midterm project by completing what would have been Assignment 6 and moving forward from that to start to put content on the page. Basic Wireframes and HTML formerly Assignment 6 We will start by looking […]
Today we are going to start out going over adding images to a page. Then we will start to talk about planning and preparation for the mid-term project. Images We will spend about 20-30 minutes at the start of the class going over what we have done and what is […]
The information here is the outline of content for the three pages that will be on the midterm project. The purpose of the outline is to summarize what content areas will be on the page. I’m having you start with these so you can get an overall page structure set […]