MMP 240 Web Design
Semester: Fall 2019 Professor: Chris Stein
Credits: 3
Hours/week: 4
Official Description
This course will introduce student to the process and techniques of web design. Effective website desing and site architecture will be explored through class assignments and critique of existing websites. Hands-on-experience designing web pages while using web authoring software and coding HTML manually will be emphasized. Graphic, audio, and animation applications, which allow for image and sound development, will be introduced.
Student Learning Outcomes
[what you should be able to do by the end of class]
By the end of the course students will be able to:
- Create a standards compliant, cross-browser web site using HTML and CSS
- Implement complex page layouts including multi-column and grid-based designs, without using HTML tables
- Organize content into a usable web site structure
- Use a javascript library to implement enhanced interactive functionality
- Integrate multimedia (video, images) into a web site
- Evaluate, critique and defend web site design based on graphic design and user interaction principles
- Understand and Implement a Responsive, grid-based web page layout
- Use a text editor or IDE with to write HTML and CSS with increased speed and efficiency
Optional Book
Title: HTML & CSS: design and build websites
Author: Jon Duckett
ISBN: 978 1118 008188
Publisher: Wiley
Book Site:
This is the same book as MMP 100. You should have it already. If you don’t, the book is available at the bookstore as well as at online retailers. We will use the book more in the first half of the course as we review.
Grading and Evaluation
- 10% – Class Participation and Teacher evaluation
- 35% – Assignments
- 10% – Quizzes
- 15% – Midterm project
- 30% – Final project
Use of Technology
In this class there are specific types of technology which you will need. All of them have no cost options.
More information on how to install/setup/signup these tools is in the Getting Started course area.
Text Editor/IDE
This is what you will use to write your HTML, CSS and JavaScript. As a web developer this is your main tool. Text Editors are lightweight and focused just on writing code and markup. An IDE (integrated development environments) has more features like FTP, inserting media and more, but they also take up more memory and have a steeper learning curve. What you use depends a bit on what kind of web pages you develop but currently the cool kids use text editors.
While you can use any editor that can write HTML, CSS and JavaScript, the course provides materials to help with the following editors (They are both free and open source):
- Atom: [OS X/Windows/Linnux]:
- Brackets: [OS X/Win/Linnux]
You will need to use a browser that is HTML5 and CSS3 compatible and can render CSS Grid (don’t worry you’ll learn more about what that is later). The browser also needs developer tools to allow you to inspect your HTML/CSS/Javascript. Right now all of the latest versions of the major browsers are HTML5, CSS3 and CSS Grid compatible (view this page for more info ). The developer tools vary. I will generally use Firefox in my examples.
- Firefox [all OS] (this is the preferred browser)
- Chrome[all OS]
- Safari [MAC OS X]
- Microsoft Edge [Windows 10]
This is a version control system we will use. More information on installing it will be provided later. When setting this up on your home computer you will need the ability to install applications on the computer.
This is a powerful way to write CSS that will also require installing software. Like Git the software is free but you will need the ability to install software on your computer. We will us Scout App
Online Accounts
We will use the following online systems that require a login:
- OpenLab. This site is on the OpenLab. You will get access to this through a combination of your BMCC login and a code that your professor will give you.
- Blackboard. You already have access through your CUNYfirst username/password. Information on accessing blackboard is found here:
- GitHub: This is another site that will be used. Information on what it is and instructions on how to use it will be provided during the course of the class.
- CodePen: We will use this site for quick examples and some assignments. Use your GitHub account to sign in here so the two will be linked.
- LinkedIn Learning This site has video tutorials. You now get free access with your BMCC username and password. When you visit the site and click Sign In, remember to first click Sign in with your organization account, before you enter your information.
Class Participation
Participation in the academic activity of each course is a significant component of the learning process and plays a major role in determining overall student academic achievement. Academic activities may include, but are not limited to, attending class, submitting assignments, engaging in in-class or online activities, taking exams, and/or participating in group work. Each instructor has the right to establish their own class participation policy, and it is each student’s responsibility to be familiar with and follow the participation policies for each course.
BMCC Policy on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Statement
Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s ideas, words or artistic, scientific, or technical work as one’s own creation. Using the idea or work of another is permissible only when the original author is identified. Paraphrasing and summarizing, as well as direct quotations, require citations to the original source. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Lack of dishonest intent does not necessarily absolve a student of responsibility for plagiarism. Students who are unsure how and when to provide documentation are advised to consult with their instructors. The library has guides designed to help students to appropriately identify a cited work. The full policy can be found on BMCC’s Web site, For further information on integrity and behavior, please consult the college bulletin (also available online).
Plus Prof Stein’s addition
Copying someone else’s HTML or CSS or Javascript without crediting the source is plagiarism. This is especially true for other student’s work but can also apply to code you find online. For the most part I expect you to write your own code. Some websites allow you to copy their code. You can use this code but with the following conditions:
- You check with me to make sure it’s OK.
- You document the source (author) of the code and if possible a URL to the source in the comments of your HTML or CSS.
If you are note sure how and when to provide documentation ask me.
Student Assistance
BMCC is committed to the health and well‐being of all students. It is common for everyone to seek assistance at some point in their life, and there are free and confidential services on campus that can help.
Single Stop, room S230, 212‐220‐8195. If you are having problems with food or housing insecurity, finances, health insurance or anything else that might get in the way of your studies at BMCC, come by the Single Stop Office for advice and assistance. Assistance is also available through the Office of Student Affairs, S350, 212‐220‐ 8130.
Counseling Center, room S343, 212‐220‐8140, Counselors assist students in addressing psychological and adjustment issues (i.e., depression, anxiety, and relationships) and can help with stress, time management and more. Counselors are available for walk‐in visits.
Office of Compliance and Diversity, room S701, 212-220-1236. BMCC is committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive learning environment free of unlawful discrimination/harassment, including sexual harassment, where all students are treated fairly. For information about BMCC’s policies and resources, or to request additional assistance in this area, please visit or call the office, or email, or If you need immediate assistance, please contact BMCC Public safety at 212-220-8080.
Office of Accessibility, room N360 (accessible entrance: 77 Harrison Street), 212-220-8180. This office collaborates with students who have documented disabilities, to coordinate support services, reasonable accommodations, and programs that enable equal access to education and college life. To request an accommodation due to a documented disability, please visit or call the office.