Jen Longley’s Profile

Active 9 hours, 57 minutes ago
Jen Longley
she, her, hers
Office Location
Teacher Education
Academic Program
Child Care/Early Childhood Education, A.S.


ECE 209-191W | Sp 2025 | J. Longley

ECE 209-191W | Sp 2025 | J. Longley

This course focuses on the theories, methods and materials of early childhood education for infants (birth to eighteen months), with an emphasis on addressing developmental needs and culturally appropriate practices in their education and care. The following topics are explored in depth: social, emotional, cognitive and physical development of infants; basic principles of infant care giving, including providing culturally sensitive and consistent care; arrangement of the environment and developmentally appropriate experiences to promote infant growth and learning; the role of parents and establishing partnerships with families.

ECE 209-500W | Sp 2025 | J. Longley

ECE 209-500W | Sp 2025 | J. Longley

This course focuses on the theories, methods and materials of early childhood education for infants (birth to eighteen months), with an emphasis on addressing developmental needs and culturally appropriate practices in their education and care. The following topics are explored in depth: social, emotional, cognitive and physical development of infants; basic principles of infant care giving, including providing culturally sensitive and consistent care; arrangement of the environment and developmentally appropriate experiences to promote infant growth and learning; the role of parents and establishing partnerships with families.

ECE 209 | Spring 2024 | J. Longley

ECE 209 | Spring 2024 | J. Longley

This course focuses on the theories, methods and materials of early childhood education for infants (birth to eighteen months), with an emphasis on addressing developmental needs and culturally appropriate practices in their education and care. The following topics are explored in depth: social, emotional, cognitive and physical development of infants; basic principles of infant care giving, including providing culturally sensitive and consistent care; arrangement of the environment and developmentally appropriate experiences to promote infant growth and learning; the role of parents and establishing partnerships with families.

ECE 209 | Fall 2024 | J. Longley 190W

ECE 209 | Fall 2024 | J. Longley 190W

This course focuses on the theories, methods and materials of early childhood education for infants (birth to eighteen months), with an emphasis on addressing developmental needs and culturally appropriate practices in their education and care. The following topics are explored in depth: social, emotional, cognitive and physical development of infants; basic principles of infant care giving, including providing culturally sensitive and consistent care; arrangement of the environment and developmentally appropriate experiences to promote infant growth and learning; the role of parents and establishing partnerships with families.

ECE 110-L/S Combined Course Hub

ECE 110-L/S Combined Course Hub

This course examines the psychological and psychosocial foundations of early childhood and relates these foundations to educational practice with young children, birth to eight years. It focuses on historical and contemporary theories of childhood development. Early learning is considered in relation to biological factors, child and family factors, program factors and social factors, particularly in diverse urban settings. Young children’s physical, cognitive, communicative, social and emotional development is explored as contributors to and as consequences of early learning experiences. This course requires 15 hours of fieldwork.


LMS Transition at BMCC

LMS Transition at BMCC

A space for sharing information about the upcoming transition from Blackboard to Brightspace.

Academic Senate

Academic Senate

The online community for the BMCC Academic Senate.

AS Academic Freedom Standing Committee

AS Academic Freedom Standing Committee

This is the private site for.the AS Academic Freedom Standing Committee

TED CITE Workspace

TED CITE Workspace

This is the community for BMCC’s Teacher Ed Dept’s Computer Integrated Teacher Education (CITE) work

Queer Pride Alliance at BMCC/LGBTQIA+ Resources

Queer Pride Alliance at BMCC/LGBTQIA+ Resources

This is a community space for LGBTQIA+/queer members of the BMCC community to locate resources, build networks of support and mentorship, and share experiences.


Teach On!

Teach On!

A space for faculty to share ideas about how to support student learning during the transition to distance learning for the remainder of Spring 2020. Please request to join if you are faculty at BMCC. Click on “Visit Project Site” in the upper right to access BMCC’s Course Continuity Resources website.

Matt’s Site

Matt’s Site

Matt’s test site.

Early Childhood Education Program Handbook

Early Childhood Education Program Handbook

This site contains the Early Childhood Education Program Handbook

Jen’s Test Site

Jen’s Test Site

This is a sample test site

Jen Longley’s Syllabus

Jen Longley’s Syllabus

Liquid Syllabus for Jen Longley’s courses