Cognitive Development #1: Video

After watching the video, answer the following questions:

  1. What are learning schemes? What are examples of learning schemes for babies?

2. What is cause and effect? What are examples of cause and effect for babies?

3. What is the use of tools? What are examples of babies using tools?

4. What is object permanence? What are examples of object permanence?

5. What is understanding space/ spatial relationships? What are examples of babies’ understanding space/ spatial relationships?

6. What is imitation? What are examples of babies using imitations?

Cognitive Development #3: Scenarios

Read the scenarios below then answer the questions for each scenario.


  1. What cognitive skills and processes is each child is developing or demonstrating?
  2. How is each infant’s cognitive development being acknowledged and supported to by their teacher?
  3. Would you do anything differently?


These touching base posts will allow us to continue the community we created in our face-to-face ECE 209-L class. Share as much as you feel comfortable sharing. I will offer extra credit for completing these posts. You will receive:

  • 1/2 point of extra credit for responding to this post
  • 1/4 point for responding to 2 other posts (1/2 point for responding to 2 responses).

Questions for this touching base post:

  1. How are you doing?
  2. Who are you sharing your home with?
  3. How was the 1st week of distance learning for you?

Physical Development #4: Scenario

Read the scenario below and answer the questions.

Principle 8: Recognize problems as learning opportunities, and let infants and toddlers try to solve their own. Don’t rescue them, constantly make life easy for them, or try to protect them from all problems.

Jasmine rides down the path in the play yard on a tot-sized tricycle, pushing with her feet on the ground instead of using the pedals. She runs off the edge of the concrete walk, and the bike tips over, spilling her into the sand. She lets out a lusty yell and lies on her back with the bike on its side next to her. A teacher arrives in a hurry and crouches down next to Jasmine but doesn’t touch her. She looks into her face and asks, “Are you okay?” Jasmine cries louder. The teacher says, “You fell down.” Jasmine stops crying and looks at her and nods. “You went right off the edge.” Jasmine nods again. She starts to roll over on her side. Her teacher offers a hand to help her. She refuses it and gets up, brushing herself off. The teacher looks her over carefully and sees no scrapes or red marks, but says again, “Are you okay?” “Okay,” Jasmine responds. She reaches for the bike handle. The teacher gets out of her way. She struggles a little but persists until she rights the bike. The teacher doesn’t help. The teacher says, “You did that all by yourself.” Jasmine grins and pulls the bike back to the cement. She has a broad smile on her face as she rides off.

  1. What is Jasmine learning in this scenario?
  2. Do you have a different idea about how the teacher should have handled this situation?
  3. What would you have done? Why?
  4. What if a family member watched this and became uncomfortable with how the teacher handled the situation?  Why might the family member have been uncomfortable?
  5. What would you say to the family member if you had been the teacher?
  6. If you were the teacher, would you try to prevent the children from riding tricycles off the pavement?
  7. If yes, how? If no, why not?

Physical Development #1: Video

As you watch the video, answer the questions below:

  1. What can happen if children do not have a rich sensory environment in their early childhood years?
  2. What are reflexes?
  3. List some of the reflexes in newborns and what the infant does.
  4. What does cephalocaudal mean? What does it mean for infant development?
  5. What is proximodistal mean? What does it mean for infant development?
  6. What happens in the prelocomotor stage of physical development? What are some milestones that occur in the prelocomotor stage?
  7. What happens in the locomotor stage of physical development What are some milestones in the locomotor stage of physical development?

Childhood Motor Development Video Handout