Physical Development #1: Video

As you watch the video, answer the questions below:

  1. What can happen if children do not have a rich sensory environment in their early childhood years?
  2. What are reflexes?
  3. List some of the reflexes in newborns and what the infant does.
  4. What does cephalocaudal mean? What does it mean for infant development?
  5. What is proximodistal mean? What does it mean for infant development?
  6. What happens in the prelocomotor stage of physical development? What are some milestones that occur in the prelocomotor stage?
  7. What happens in the locomotor stage of physical development What are some milestones in the locomotor stage of physical development?

Childhood Motor Development Video Handout

69 thoughts on “Physical Development #1: Video”

  1. 1.Children without a rich sensory environment may not be able to develop their capacities properly since they won’t be very stimulated. Moving, playing and interacting with the environment is what helps children develop their motor skills.
    2. Reflexes are automatic responses to the estimula. Some reflexes will persist such as coughing, blinking and yawning, somo others disappear.
    3.Touching on an infant’s cheek causes the baby to try to turn over to the side he was touched trying to find the finger.
    4. Cephalocaudal literally means from “head” to “tail”. Is the study of an infant through the pre-local motor stages. for example: a 6 weeks old baby can barely lift his head, at 5 months old he is able to lift head and chest, and at the age of 8 months he is able to lift his head, chest and stomach.
    5. Proximidistal means the process that for example when a baby is 5 months old is barely able to move to the side since he struggles with his balance, then at 8 months old is able to roll over easily making use of his arms and legs to help the maneuver, and at 9 months the baby is able to crawl using hands and knees.
    6. The Prelocomotor stage has two principles that guide both physical growth and the development of motor skills: Cephalocaudal and Proximidistal development and some of the milestones are crawling, rolling over, and balance their body.
    7. In the Locomotor stage children improve their walking. At 14 months a child take hesitant steps, 9 months the child is able to walk 6-9 steps without losing balance, and at 1 year movements become smoother.

  2. 1.What can happen if children do not have a rich sensory environment in their early childhood years? Sensory pathways in the brain may not develop properly and capacity motor
    2.What are reflexes? Reflexes are automatic, built in responses to stimuli.
    3.List some of the reflexes in newborns and what the infant does. – Some ways infants respond and use their reflexes is when, they turn or move their face in the direction of someone hand that may rubbing their cheek. Another reflex is when babies try to suck as a finger is being place near their mouth.
    4.What does cephalocaudal mean? What does it mean for infant development? Cephalocaudal means from head to tail
    5.What is proximodistal mean? What does it mean for infant development? Proximodistal is when babies are learning to move. They are able to rollover and can even begin to pull with their arms and dragging their bodies across the floor, they are learning how to alternating their arms and legs and use their knees to move around.
    6.What happens in the prelocomotor stage of physical development? What are some milestones that occur in the prelocomotor stage? During this stage babies are learning how to lift their heads and can lift their chest and stomach to move up from the floor.
    7.What happens in the locomotor stage of physical development What are some milestones in the locomotor stage of physical development? During locomotor stage toddlers try to find their balance. They are practicing being efficient in walking. During this stage they begin to run a little and can even walk to kick a ball and walk backwards. They eventually learn how to find their balance and move without help.

    1. Erica — Thanks for your reply! Proximodistal means from close to far, for development that means that babies develop the use of truck/ torso first, then arms/ legs followed by hands and fingers/ feet and toes. Balance is an important part of learning to walk — it connects to the vestibular sense that we learned about during our class on sensory perception!

  3. 1.Children without rich sensory environment where they are bale to interact scenery pathways may not develop properly and also motor skills may remain undeveloped. Because through moving, playing and interacting with the environment is what helps children develop those skills.
    2. Reflexes are behaviors to help respond to the environment. some reflexes show and other might
    disappear typically from 3 and 6 months.
    3. Some the reflexes in newborns and what the infant does are for example sucking and swallowing reflexes and others disappear with time as children grow.
    4. Cephalocaudal literally means from “head to tail”. The development of apostrophe for example a child at 6 weeks is just barley able to lift his head at 5 months he’s able to lift her head&chest and at 8 months this child lifts his head, chest and stomach of the ground.
    5. Proximidistal means “near to far” . The child ability to learn what babies do for example rolling, crawling, crab walking and scudding.
    6. In the prelocomotor stage of physical development babies are learning how to lift up their head, chest and stomach from the ground. Prelocomotor infants experience displacement of their bodies when their caregivers carry them from on place to another.
    7. Locomotor development refers to changes in children’s mastery and mobility. The development progression begins with spontaneous arm and leg movements during the fetal and newborn periods. For example rolling crawling and other forms of progression. In the locomotor stage of physical development toddlers practice and become proficient in their walking. Early walkers keep their feet wide apart and keep their hands out for balance. At 9 months a child is able to walk 6-8 steps before losing its balance. At 1 year movements are much smother , at 14 a child is able to walk proficiently and is able to maintain balance.

  4. 1. What can happen if children do not have a rich sensory environment in their early childhood years?
    If children do not have a rich sensory environment in their early childhood years, Sensory pathways in the brain may not develop properly and the capacity to use motor skills may remained undeveloped.
    2. What are reflexes?
    Reflexes are automatic built in responses to stimuli.
    3. List some of the reflexes in newborns and what the infant does.
    Some reflexes that newborns do are turning their head, sucking and swallowing.
    4. What does cephalocaudal mean? What does it mean for infant development?
    Cephalocaudal means from head to tail. For infant development, it means that they are learning how to use their upper limbs for example lifting up their head.
    5. What is proximodistal mean? What does it mean for infant development?
    Proximodistal means near to far. For infant development, it means learning to move for example rolling over and crawling, crab walking.
    6. What happens in the prelocomotor stage of physical development? What are some milestones that occur in the prelocomotor stage?
    Infants are learning to move in the prelocomotor stage. Some milestones that occur in this stage are infants lifting their head up, stomach, and chest up from the ground.
    7. What happens in the locomotor stage of physical development (walking)learning how to walk. they try to keep their balance. What are some milestones in the locomotor stage of physical development?
    In the locomotor stage, babies are learning how to keep their balance and start walking. Some milestones in this stage are walking without needing help, running for a short distance, walking backwards and kicking a ball without losing balance.

    1. Solanny — Thanks for your insights! Learning to keep your balance (which connects the vestibular sense which we learned about in our last face-to-face class) in an important part of the locomotor stage and learning to walk!

  5. 1. What can happen if children do not have a rich sensory environment in their early childhood years?sensory pathways in the brain may not develop properly, and the capacity to use motor skills may remain undeveloped which is through moving, playing, and interacting with the environment that growth of dendrites and synapsis maximize.

    2.What are reflexes? automatic built in responses to stimuli

    3. List some of the reflexes in newborns and what the infant does.Some reflexes newborns do are sucking and swallowing

    4.What does cephalocaudal mean? What does it mean for infant development? cephalocaudal means from head to tail. In infant development they are learning how to use upper limbs and lift up their head.

    5.What is proximodistal mean? What does it mean for infant development? proximodistal is babies learning to move, they are able to roll and use their arms to pull dragging their bodies across the floor and learning to alternate their arms and legs.

    6.What happens in the prelocomotor stage of physical development? What are some milestones that occur in the prelocomotor stage? Infants are learning how to lift their head chest and stomach from off the ground.

    7.What happens in the locomotor stage of physical development What are some milestones in the locomotor stage of physical development? toddler try to find their own balance and start walking. some of the milestones walking with no help, walking backwards and kicking a ball without losing balance, and running for a short distance.

    1. Tiana — Thanks for your reply! Proximodistal means near to far — babies learn to control their trunk/ torso first, then their arms/ legs, followed by their hands then fingers/ feet then toes. Kicking a ball and running are joys of toddlerhood!

  6. 1. What can happen if children do not have a rich sensory environment in their early childhood years?
    The sensory pathways in the brain may not develop properly and the capacity to use motor skills may remain undeveloped.
    2. What are reflexes?
    Are automatic built-in responses to stimuli, and doctors and nurses test these reflexes in newborns, newborns have many reflex behaviors.
    3. List some of the reflexes in newborns and what the infant does:
    – 1. Behaviors to help infants respond to the environment. For example, when you stroke a baby’s cheek, they turn to the side where it is being stroked to grasp a nipple to suck on.
    – 2.Behaviors that contain elements of later voluntary behavior. For example, swimming, crawling and stepping muscles. If you put something like your finger in the baby’s hand it triggers the grasping reflex.
    – 3. Primitive defensive reactions, this reflex is checked in newborns and on well-baby checkups, called a Moro reflex where there are a sudden intense noise or movement and the baby’s back arches and brings into the body his arms and feet’s
    Some reflexes last a lifetime like coughing, yawning and blinking. Some reflexes disappear within six months old.
    4. What does cephalocaudal mean? What does it mean for infant development?
    – Cephalocaudal means head to tail. This is when infants move through the pre-locomotor stage and study the development of posture. At 6 weeks, the child is barely to able to lift their head. At 5 months the child can easily lift their head and is beginning to lift their chest as well. At 8 months the baby can lift her head, chest, and stomach of the ground. We can encourage the baby by giving things to look at so the baby can learn to lift.
    5. What is proximodistal mean? What does it mean for infant development?
    Proximodistal development means near to far. This means for a child at 5 months it is attempting to roll over, struggling to move hands and legs and basically moving from the trunk of the body. At 8 months the baby can turn over, using their arms and legs to help with the maneuver. Some babies can use an army crawl, pulling the arms and dragging body forward. At 9 months the child is beginning to creep, meaning moving alternating hands and knees. Some infants develop by rolling from one place to another or scooting or crab-walking; this is seen with infants that dislike being on their stomachs. To help with infants that don’t like being on their tummy, spend more time being on their tummy time by providing toys and stuff
    6. What happens in the pre-locomotor stage of physical development? What are some milestones that occur in the pre-locomotor stage?
    Two principals are cephalocaudal and proximodistal. The babies are learning how to move.
    7. What happens in the locomotor stage of physical development What are some milestones in the locomotor stage of physical development?
    Toddlers practice and become proficient in their walking, early walkers keep their feet apart and often hold their arms out for balance. Bc of cephalocaudal development their center of gravity is higher up on their bodies, making them top-heavy and they fall easily. At 14 months, the child is beginning to take a few hesitant steps. Parent and caregivers can put their arms out to encourage the child to take steps independently. They can also hold onto the child and take her for short walks. At 9 months this child can walk 6 to 8 steps before losing its balance. Parents and caregivers can provide stable toys for young walkers to use as support. At one-year movements are much smoother. Parents and caregivers can provide clear, level surfaces to walk across. At 14 months this child walks proficiently and can walk around obstacles and maintain balance and toddlers can walk quickly or run stiffly

    1. Daisy — Thanks for your detailed responses! You listed many reflexes — reflexes are fascinating to me as we are born with them but they disappear with time. In the pre-locomotor stage babies learn to lift their heads, lift their chest while on their tummy, etc.

  7. 1 Sensory pathways in the brain may not develop properly, and capacity to use motor skills may remain undeveloped.
    2 Reflexes are automatic built-in responses to stimuli.
    3.stroke newborns cheek, she turns head around enabling infant to find the nipple. sucking and swallowing enable an infant to take in nutrients. If the object placed in the infants palm the grasping reflex will be triggered.
    4. Cephalocaudal means ” from head to tail”. Its when you study the development of the infants posture.
    5. Proximodistal means “near to far”. Infants will learn to move their trunk, arms, and legs.
    6. In Prelocomotor stage infants learn to move. There two principals that guide both physical growth,development of motor skills.
    7. In Locomotor stage toddler practice and become proficient in their walking. Early walkers keep their feet wide apart and often hold their arms out for balance. Making top heavy and they fall easily. 14 months take a few hesitant steps. 9 month walk six to eight steps before losing its balance. 1 year moves much smoother. 14 months walk proficiently around obstacles and maintain balance.

  8. 1. sensory pathways in the brain may not develop, causing the capacity to use motor skills to remain undeveloped.
    2. Reflexes is an automatic built in response to stimuli
    3. Some reflexes newborns use are sucking and swallowing.
    4. Cephalocaudal means “from head to tail”. Its when you study the development of the infants posture.
    5. Proximodistal means “near to far.” In this process, infants will learn to move their head, as well as their arms and legs.
    6. Babies gain a little control and they learn how to move in the prelocomotor stage. There are a total of two principals that guide both the physical growth and the development of motor skills.
    7. In the Locomotor stage, toddlers practice and become more proficient in their walking. Toddlers find their own balance. Some milestones may include walking on their own with no help, kicking a ball, or even walking backwards, and running.

  9. 1. What can happen if children do not have a rich sensory environment in their early childhood years? – Sensory pathways in the brain may not develop properly, and the capacity to use motor skills may remain undeveloped.

    2. What are reflexes? -Reflexes are automatic and are built in response to stimuli.

    3. List some of the reflexes in newborns and what the infant does. – 1. Stroke a newborns cheek – the infant will turn to the side enabling the infant to find a nipple. 2. Sucking and swallowing reflexes enables the infants to take in nutrients.

    4. What does cephalocaudal mean? What does it mean for infant development? – It means “head” to “tail”. It is when one studies the development of an infants posture.

    5. What is proximodistal mean? What does it mean for infant development? – It means “near” to “fair”. Infants learn to roll over easily using arms and legs and gradually start crawling.

    6. What happens in the prelocomotor stage of physical development? What are some milestones that occur in the prelocomotor stage? – Infants gain control and are learning to move. The two principles – cephalocaudal and proximodistal guide both the physical growth and the development of motor skills.

    7. What happens in the locomotor stage of physical development What are some milestones in the locomotor stage of physical development? – In this stage, toddlers become proficient in walking. Infants find their balance, and are able to take little steps independently, parents hold on to the child and take them on walks, use stable objects for support, run quickly and stiffly for short distance, walk backwards without loosing balance, and finally stand and kick a ball, etc all of these on their own.

  10. What can happen if children do not have a rich sensory environment in their early childhood years? Sensory pathways in the brain may not develop properly and the capacity to use motor skills may remain undeveloped.

    What are reflexes? Reflexes are automatic built in responses to stimuli.

    List some of the reflexes in newborns and what the infant does. When you stroke an infants cheek, the newborn should turn to the side, enabling the infants to find a nipple for feeding. Sucking and swallowing reflexes enables the infants to take in nutrients.

    What does cephalocaudal mean? What does it mean for infant development? Means head to tail, studies child posture.

    What is proximodistal mean? What does it mean for infant development? Means near to far, studies ability of child rolling over.

    What happens in the prelocomotor stage of physical development? What are some milestones that occur in the prelocomotor stage? Infants learn to move, gain control, lift up head, and chest. The two principles are Cephalocaudal and Proximodistal.

    What happens in the locomotor stage of physical development What are some milestones in the locomotor stage of physical development? Infant begin to walk. Infants work on balance, kicking, walking forwards and backwards.

  11. What can happen if children do not have a rich sensory environment in their early childhood years? If children do not have rich sensory environment in their early childhood years the sensory pathway in the brain not develop and the capacity to use motor skills will remain undeveloped
    What are reflexes? Reflexes are automatic that are built in responses to stimuli
    List some of the reflexes in newborns and what the infant does. Some reflexes newborns and infants do are sucking and swallowing and also turning their heads
    What does cephalocaudal mean? What does it mean for infant development?Cephalocaudal means from head to tail.
    What is proximodistal mean? What does it mean for infant development? Proximodistal means “near to far”. In Infants development this means that infants will learn how to move their trunk, arms, and legs.
    What happens in the prelocomotor stage of physical development? What are some milestones that occur in the prelocomotor stage?
    What happens in the locomotor stage of physical development What are some milestones in the locomotor stage of physical development? In the locomotor stage of physical development toddlers start to learn how to walk by themselves. Some milestones in the locomotor stage of physical development are toddlers walking on their own with no help, running, walking backwards.

  12. A child being able to move around and play is how they would learn their motor skills.
    Automatic responses to the simula. This consists of sneezing coughing or blinking.
    List some of the reflexes in newborns and what the infant does. Touching the baby on the cheek and then the infant turns over and bring their hands and feet close.
    What does cephalocaudal mean? What does it mean for infant development? It means head to tail and when a baby is 6 weeks they are not able to lift their head vs being 5 months they are able to lift their head
    What does proximodistal mean? What does it mean for infant development? Proximodistal means the process of which a baby is able to move and balance certain parts of the body for example at 5 months they struggle with rolling over and balancing vs 8 being able to roll over and move their hands and legs and 9 months being able to crawl with their hands.
    What happens in the pre locomotor stage of physical development? What are some milestones that occur in the pre locomotor stage? Prelocomotor has 2 principles that help the physical growth and development of motor skills . Cephalocaudal and proximodistal help with rolling over and balancing.
    What happens in the locomotor stage of physical development What are some milestones in the locomotor stage of physical development? The locomotor stage is when they walk . At 14 months they want to walk but are very careful and 9 months the baby is able to take 6-9 steps without losing balance and at 1 year the walking becomes smoother.

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