Relationship-Based Practices Activity #3: Self-Reflection

At Week 8 and Week 16 of the semester you will monitor your progress towards achieving your goals. Your learning, growth and progress towards achieving your goals will help to determine your grade for ECE 209. To monitor your progress towards meeting you goals,  answer the questions below at the end of each module to document your progress over the semester.

  • What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar that connects to your goals?
    • Information/ knowledge
    • Skills
    • Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
  • How will the material from these modules help and support you to meet your goals?

10 thoughts on “Relationship-Based Practices Activity #3: Self-Reflection”

  1. This week I learned a lot about infants caregiver and relationship between parents and caregiver also relationships between the infants and the caregiver how important it is to create bound.
    Even the assignments was long but they were really helpful and knowledgeable.
    These information will help me to have knowledge on how to face situation later on also knowledge about how to deal with relationships and other stuff.

  2. In this weeks modules for ECE 209 lecture and seminar , Some information and knowledge I gained that connects to my goals would be explaining how we as teachers/caregivers can identify the influences that may impact infant behavior and development especially when it comes to building relationships with not only families but babies as well. The material from these modules can definitely help and support me to meet my goals by having the insight and knowledge of what it takes to develop a safe haven/emotional ground and curriculum that supports infant learning like social interactions and problem solving experiences.

  3. What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar that connects to your goals? Information/ knowledge Skills
    Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
    How will the material from these modules help and support you to meet your goals?

    In this weeks module some information and knowledge i gained was regarding the methods on how to strengthen and deepen the relationship between caregiver and child. As a teacher for both infants as well as toddlers I know that trust is of key importance. The module helped to further my understanding of why it is important to teach the child but also to give them their own time to learn independently. I learned how valuable it is to offer them choices not only for feeding but also in their learning.

  4. In this module, I learned more about certain teaching practices that are extremely beneficial. These practices are helpful to building relationships with the infants I’ll be working with. These practices will also help me with my own child and getting her prepared to enter school in the future.

  5. In this week’s module I gathered some information on respecting children, unhurried time with children, offering choices and support rather than intervening. These information’s will help me to support the children when I work with them.

  6. This week, I learned the 3 R’s and why they are super important when working with infants. I learned respect is one of the most important, because children are their own individuals and they should be treated that way. Sometimes, we treat infants like objects instead of humans, without even realizing it and we think it’s okay just because they are “babies”. It makes sense to give them their own power over themselves and their body, and to let them know what is happening and going to happen before it happens. It’s also good to allow children to have their own sense of decision and make their own choices for certain things.

  7. What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar that connects to your goals?
    What I’ve learned in this week’s modules connected to my goes is that babies should be shown respect, by learning some examples how to respect.

    How will the material from these modules help and support you to meet your goals?
    The materials from these modules help and support to meet my goals by going over testimonies, we went over cases about changing a dipper and using dialog to express every action going on around an infant.

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