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Poster Presentation- Extra Credit

The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for the students to learn in more depth an area of chemistry that they find interesting and/or will increase their knowledge and understanding in a specific area.

First Step: Pick a topic of the chemistry area that you prefer and is of your interest.… Read more “Poster Presentation- Extra Credit”

How to convince a patient to stop smoking in less than 3 minutes (hard mode 1 minute)


Lung cancer leads to more death than any other cancer and often metastasizes elsewhere in the body by initial detection, making prognosis unfavorable. Using knowledge of respiratory physiology and anatomy determine a strategy to education the patient on function of the lungs, how smoking harms the patient and why long term cessation is the key to preventing deadly pathology.… Read more “How to convince a patient to stop smoking in less than 3 minutes (hard mode 1 minute)”