GWS Keywords (DRAFT assignment)
Overview: This assignment invites you to engage with key concepts in the field of Gender and Women’s Studies by 1) learning about existing definitions, interpretations; 2) learning about context for important concepts in the field; and, 3) revising and remixing the terms through your own explanations with examples or applications. This assignment will culminate in a Keywords Entry (or, a blog post) on a public page of our Open Lab site.
Learning Goals:
- to define, understand, and critically engage core concepts in the field of GWS
- to apply these concepts to lived experience and/or through illustrations that take into account sociopolitical contexts and histories
- to share and circulate knowledge with others in the class and beyond
Week 1: Assignment overview (including learning goals, context for assignment, structure) + why open pedagogy?
Week 2: Ungrading + collective discussion of assessment: how do we know if the goals of this assignment have been met? Selection/assignment of terms to researchers/authors and set-up of peer feedback groups
Weeks 3-4: Annotated bibliography: through a combination of course materials and independent research, create a list of 3-5 sources that engage the assigned concept with an annotation for each source.
Week 5: Draft Keywords entry due and peer feedback through small group presentations of works-in-progress
Week 6-7: Revised Keyword entry due on site; open for public comments from class (+ in-class review of entries)