- By next week, submit your teammate evaluation form and individual contribution form. These should be send to me via email at: apinkas@bmcc.cuny.edu. I will not share this informationation with your team members or anyone else in the class.
- For next week, create and rehearse your final presentation as a group. Make sure it is clearly named (i.e: NameofTeam_finalPresentation) and upload it to your team folder. Each group will present to the class next time we meet. Be ready to offer feedback to your classmates.
Daily Archives: August 17, 2021
For instructions on how to submit a post, please follow these instructions: https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/mmp460-1100-fall2021/posting-on-open-lab/.
- Work on your campaign project. Be ready to show and discuss your work in progress in small groups with the professor each week. A full prototype of each component should be completed by week 14. That week will be dedicated to assessing the group work, preparing the final presentations and doing a few small adjustments.
- For week 14, create a post with a link to your revised portfolio. If you are working on a custom HTML/CSS/JS site it’s okay to just send the local files for now (via a Google Drive or Dropbox link). *Use the title format “[FirstName] [LastName] final portfolio” and select the Category “Week 13 – Final Portfolio”
For next week, revise your design based on the feedback you received during the presentation. This is your last chance to make content changes before translating your sketches and ideas into a full-fledged campaign. Make sure all your revisions are uploaded in your shared folder.
For next week, create and rehearse your preliminary design presentation as a group. Clearly name it (i.e: TeamName_designPresentation_date) and place it in your shared folder. Each group will present to the class next time we meet. Be ready to offer feedback to your classmates.
- For next week, select the colors you will be using. You may use one of the tools listed above to come up with a palette. Specify which one will be the dominant color. If your campaign project includes a website with text, navigation etc. specify which color will be used for what design element (background, paragraphs, headers, links etc.).
- Also select the font(s) you will be using for your project (maximum 3). If your campaign project includes a website with text, navigation etc. specify which font will be used for what design element (background, paragraphs, headers, links etc.).
- Create a style guide (you may use this template or create your own) to share your typography and color choices. Clearly name your file (i.e: TeamName_styleGuide_date) and place it in your shared folder.
- Write all the text you will need for your project in a Word or Google document. Clearly label and separate the different sections/media the text will be used for. Clearly name the file (i.e: NameofTeam_text).
- Start sketching the different components of your campaign. Clearly name the files (i.e: NameofTeam_logo_date).
- Place all the documents above in your shared folder.
- Create at least 2 personas (per group) that will serve as examples for your campaign’s target audience. Use this template and look at the finished example. Make sure it is clearly named (i.e: NameofTeam_persona1).
- Fill the creative brief template with your group. Make sure it is clearly named (i.e: NameofTeam_creativeBrief_date)
- Fill the task analysis document with your group. Make sure it is clearly named (i.e: NameofTeam_taskAnalysis_date)
- Place all these documents in your shared folder.
For instructions on how to submit a post, please follow these instructions: https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/mmp460-1100-fall2021/posting-on-open-lab/.
Find a simple app and layout its user flow (you don’t have to include ALL the possible interactions, but there should be at least 15-20 screens in your user flow) with pen & paper. The drawings can be rough, but the flow of possible interactions should be clear.
Take a photo of your map, write a short description (which app did you select and why) and post a link to your work on Open Lab. * Use the title format “[FirstName] [LastName] workshop III ” and select the Category “Week 5 – Workshop III”
For instructions on how to submit a post, please follow these instructions: https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/mmp460-1100-fall2021/posting-on-open-lab/.
Promote ONE of the following opinions by creating an Instagram post (you don’t have to post it – just design it)
- Diets and so-called “wellness” programs are financially and emotionally costly. One can be happy and healthy at any size and no food should be demonized.
- Processed food and sugar is killing you. Clean eating will drastically increase your mental and physical well-being.
You may use text, images, animated gifs, and/or video. Pay attention to the file format (images should be 1080px * 1080px, stories 1920px * 1080px). Don’t forget to use hashtags and a caption (please make sure to include the full text in your submission). Make sure there are no spelling or grammar errors.
Post a link to your work (media AND caption) on Open Lab. * Use the title format “[FirstName] [LastName] workshop II ” and select the Category “Week 5 – Workshop II”
Due on Wednesday 10/13
For instructions on how to submit a post, please follow these instructions: https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/mmp460-1100-fall2021/posting-on-open-lab/.
Download this Adobe InDesign flyer layout template. Create 3 alternative typographic treatments to create a legible and appealing flyer with the text on page 1 (no images allowed).
- For page 2: Pick a single typeface but use different font sizes and styles
- For page 3: Pick a single typeface but use different sizes, styles, colors for the font and background
- For page 4: Use two type faces (you may also vary their respective sizes, styles, and colors for the fonts and background)
Export the finished document to PDF, upload it to a Google Drive or Dropbox folder and post a link to it on Open Lab * Use the title format “[FirstName] [LastName] workshop I ” and select the Category “Week 4 – Workshop I”
Due on Monday 10/4