Resources related to using media (images, video, audio) in your sites. ATTRIBUTION Even if the site does not require you to attribute the image, I am requiring you to do it for your web site projects. Images Where to Find Usable Images I collected a number of sites and resources […]
When you use an image on a web site, you must obey copyright law and only use images you have an explicit right to use. So, searching Google Images is NOT the way to find them (unless you take additional steps shown below). The general rule of thumb is: Only […]
Class on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 (we had no class on Monday 9/3/19 due to school holiday) Note: We believe that those of you experiencing login issues related to the OpenLab should now be able to log in. Please try and let me know if you are able to or […]
Class on Wednesday, September 25 Today we will work in roughly two parts. Part 1: Review of Assignment 3: CSS Grid and Assignment 4: Typographic Hierarchy Part 2: Adding images and Grid to Assignment 4. Part 1: Review of Assignment 3: CSS Grid and Assignment 4: Typographic Hierarchy We will […]
Today we are going to go over adding images to the page. This will inlcude not just the basic image element but also CSS to make images responsive, placeholder images and the figure element. Typographic Hierarchy and Assignment Review Before we get into the new material of the images we […]
Images are by default inline elements that are a certain size and will take up that space on your web site. For responsive web design we need our images to be able to shrink in size if the container they are in is smaller than the image. For example: The […]