
2 posts

Natalia Ruzzi SP Outline

I’ve decided to talk about “Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse at the Circus” for my Short Paper. Initially, I was just drawn in by the characters, as I do enjoy an animated mouse, but after rewatching the language in it is quite interesting to me. Upon first glance you might just pass it off as old timey but when you look more into the background of the creator, George Herriman, there’s real intent behind how he writes each character. I realize I should probably be talking more about the animation of this piece, and while I will and touch up on some of Herriman’s influences, I think there is a lot to be said just about the language and the people behind the piece. If I could, I would like to maybe talk about why Krazy Kat was unpopular leading to their animations never exactly taking off as well. I’ve found a few different articles that gave me a lot of background on Herriman and the comics, so I almost feel as if I am not getting enough information on just the animations.

This one is about the language in Krazy Kat:

This one just talks about Herriman, his influences, and who was inspired by his work:

This one talks about the animations and different studios that worked on certain ones, although the people who made the piece I am talking about is not mentioned:

Natalia Ruzzi W1

Hi there! My name is Natalia, I’m a VAT major currently in my last semester at BMCC. I chose this course because animation has always been one of my favorite types of media even though I myself do not necessarily want to be an animator. One of my favorite types is claymation, so I would always love to learn more about that. Frankly the more time I spend at BMCC, the less I feel like I know what I want to do career wise, but as of now I think I would like to write for shows or be an assistant on sets. I’m a big fan of rodents (currently have a gerbil) and I enjoy collecting stickers and stationery.