Gina Cherry’s Profile

Active 1 week, 5 days ago
1 to 12 (of 36 total)

SOC 100 | Intro to Sociology | Course Hub

Amy Sodaro, Paoyi Huang
Sociology, A.A.|SOC 100

A hub of OER resources for faculty teaching Intro to Sociology, created by Amy Sodaro. Instructors, to share your zero-cost teaching resources, vecoming a member of this course profile is not required! Complete […]

CRJ 201 | Policing | Course Hub

Michelle Ronda
Criminal Justice, A.A.

An OER course hub for criminal justice 201-policing. This course is intended to broaden the student’s understanding of the origins and development of law enforcement agencies in the United States. Moreover, t […]

CRJ 102 | Criminology | Course Hub

CRJ 102 | Criminology | Course Hub

Michelle Ronda
Criminal Justice, A.A.

This is a course hub for Criminology.

CRT 100 | Critical Thinking | Course Hub

Ewa Barnes

Do you teach Critical Thinking without a textbook? Or do you teach Critical Thinking and currently use a textbook but would like to switch to Open Educational Resources? Either way, this site is for you. This […]

ECO 201 | Macroeconomics | Course Hub

Al Eisenbarth
Economics, A.A.

A collection of open teaching and learning materials curated by BMCC faculty

ECO 201 | Macroeconomics | Al Eisenbarth | Section 1605 | Fall 2020

Al Eisenbarth
Economics, A.A.|ECO 201|Fall 2020

This course is intended primarily for those students who intend to pursue professional careers in fields such as economics, finance, management, and administration. It is also open to highly motivated students in […]

ECO 201 | Macroeconomics | Al Eisenbarth | Section 1400 | Fall 2020

Al Eisenbarth
Economics, A.A.|ECO 201|Fall 2020

This course is intended primarily for those students who intend to pursue professional careers in fields such as economics, finance, management, and administration. It is also open to highly motivated students in […]

ECO 201 | Macroeconomics | Al Eisenbarth | Section 1201 | Fall 2020

Al Eisenbarth
Economics, A.A.|ECO 201|Fall 2020

This course is intended primarily for those students who intend to pursue professional careers in fields such as economics, finance, management, and administration. It is also open to highly motivated students in […]

CRJ 101 | Intro to Criminal Justice | Course Hub

A hub of OER resources for faculty teaching Intro to Criminal Justice, created by Brenda Vollman.

ART 102 | Survey of Art History I | Course Hub

ART 102 | Survey of Art History I | Course Hub

Sarah Madole Lewis

Course Hub for Instructors Teaching ART 102

SPE 100 | Fundamentals of Public Speaking | Course Hub

Angela Elbanna

Speech 100 is a required course for most BMCC students, the aim of the course is to develop effective skills in speech communication. This course hub was developed as an OER (Open Educational Resource) for faculty […]

English 201: Introduction to Literature Spring 2020 [Conway]

Celeste Conway
Writing and Literature, A.A.|ENG 201|Spring 2020

Introduction to Literature