Gina Cherry’s Profile

Active 1 week, 5 days ago
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ACT Pedagogies and Practices

ACT Pedagogies and Practices

Gina Cherry, jean amaral, John Beaumont

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BMCC Academic Leaves

Greer J. McPhaden

A space for faculty to share information about the projects they worked on while on academic leave. Contact Greer McPhaden for information about how to submit your project. If you join this group, you will receive […]

Teach On!

Teach On!

Gina Cherry

A space for faculty to share ideas about how to support student learning during the transition to distance learning for the remainder of Spring 2020. Please request to join if you are faculty at BMCC. Click on […]

Gina’s test project

Gina’s test project

Gina Cherry


Reenvisioning Scholarship

jean amaral

Reenvisioning Scholarship is a conversation about what we as faculty believe should be considered scholarship, including what counts in tenure and promotion. (image credit: ”Boyer’s Scholarship of Engagement” […]

BMCC Information Literacy Program

Anthony Bishop

A guide for faculty using BMCC’s Libguides in their teaching

From Pandemic to Protest: We Remember in Virtual Reality

Jill Strauss, Daniel Ojeda

BMCC Students Commemorate with Augmented Reality Monuments

ECE 210 Advocacy Website version

Ruth Guirguis

This is a sample profile and website for the ECE 210 Website or Podcast Advocacy Project.

Opening Gateway Project Summer 2020

Opening Gateway Project Summer 2020

Ruben Worrell

In this project I will apply Active Learning strategies I have learned at the Opening Gateways seminars such as Webwork, EdPuzzle, Plickers, Inquiry Base Learning, Flipped Classroom, Universal Design for Learning, […]

Interactive Lessons of Critical Issues in Justice: OER Creation Project | BMCC Criminal Justice Prog

Interactive Lessons of Critical Issues in Justice: OER Creation Project | BMCC Criminal Justice Prog

Michelle Ronda

The BMCC Criminal Justice Program has approximately 2,500 students majoring in the discipline. Criminal justice majors are required to complete the course, Criminal Justice and the Urban Community, CRJ 204, to […]

BMCC OpenLab Planning

BMCC OpenLab Planning

Thomas Harbison

Group for BMCC planning OpenLab activities.