Brielle Buckler’s Profile

Active 3 months, 3 weeks ago
13 to 24 (of 26 total)

Open Pedagogy/Word Press Seminar | Summer 2020

jean amaral, Gina Cherry

A virtual seminar for faculty who applied and were accepted to participate in June 2020.

BUS 104-0509 | Intro to Business | Professor Buckler | Spring 2023

Brielle Buckler
Business Administration, A.S.|Business Management, A.A.S.|Digital Marketing, A.S.|Financial Management, A.S.|Small Business Entrepreneurship, A.A.S.|BUS 104|Spring 2023

This course surveys business and industry in the United States with global growth strategy. Emphasis is placed on building Communication and Quantitative skills, including Excel spreadsheets, and an Ethical […]

MAR 100-B051 | Intro to Marketing | Professor Buckler | Spring 2023

Brielle Buckler
Business Administration, A.S.|Business Management, A.A.S.|MAR 100|Spring 2023

The marketing system is described, analyzed and evaluated, including methods, policies and institutions involved in the production and distribution of goods from producer to consumer or user that improve customer […]

BUS 104-B050 | Intro to Business | Professor Buckler | Spring 2022

Brielle Buckler
Business Administration, A.S.|Business Management, A.A.S.|Digital Marketing, A.S.|Financial Management, A.S.|Small Business Entrepreneurship, A.A.S.|BUS 104|Spring 2022

This course surveys business and industry in the United States with global growth strategy. Emphasis is placed on building Communication and Quantitative skills, including Excel spreadsheets, and an Ethical […]

MAR 100-B052 | Intro to Marketing | Professor Buckler | Fall 2022

Brielle Buckler
Business Administration, A.S.|Business Management, A.A.S.|MAR 100|Fall 2022

The marketing system is described, analyzed and evaluated, including methods, policies and institutions involved in the production and distribution of goods from producer to consumer or user that improve customer […]

BUS 104-A050 | Intro to Business | Professor Buckler | Fall 2022

Brielle Buckler
Business Administration, A.S.|Business Management, A.A.S.|BUS 104|Fall 2022

This course surveys business and industry in the United States with global growth strategy. Emphasis is placed on building Communication and Quantitative skills, including Excel spreadsheets, and an Ethical […]

Summer 2022 Anti-racist Pedagogy Seminar: Transforming the Classroom

Summer 2022 Anti-racist Pedagogy Seminar: Transforming the Classroom

Professor Grant

The Anti-racist Pedagogy Project is committed to increasing faculty and staff knowledge and awareness of the issues of overt, systemic and institutional racism, implicit bias and microaggressions and supporting […]

MAR 100 | Intro to Marketing | Course Hub

Brielle Buckler

This site is a Course Hub for MAR 100: Introduction to Marketing faculty.

BUS 104 | Introduction to Business | Course Hub

Brielle Buckler, Hung W Chu
Business Administration, A.S.|Business Management, A.A.S.|Digital Marketing, A.S.|Financial Management, A.S.|Small Business Entrepreneurship, A.A.S.

OER resource depot for BUS104 Introduction to Business

BUS 104-1800 | Intro to Business | Professor Buckler | Fall 2021

Brielle Buckler
Business Administration, A.S.|Business Management, A.A.S.|Digital Marketing, A.S.|Financial Management, A.S.|Small Business Entrepreneurship, A.A.S.|BUS 104

This course surveys business and industry in the United States with global growth strategy. Emphasis is placed on building Communication and Quantitative skills, including Excel spreadsheets, and an Ethical […]

MAR 100-1900 | Intro to Marketing | Professor Buckler | Fall 2021

Brielle Buckler
Business Administration, A.S.|Business Management, A.A.S.|MAR 100

The marketing system is described, analyzed and evaluated, including methods, policies and institutions involved in the production and distribution of goods from producer to consumer or user that improve customer […]

BUS 311-1801 | HR Management | Professor Buckler | Spring 2021

Brielle Buckler
Other|BUS 311|Spring 2021

This course is a survey treatment of human resources management attempting to acquaint students with the various aspects of Human Resources Management. It introduces the student to the realm of the Human Resources Manager.