Course: MAR 100-B051 | Intro to Marketing | Professor Buckler | Spring 2023

active 1 year, 2 months ago
MAR 100-B051 | Intro to Marketing | Professor Buckler | Spring 2023
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Business Management
Academic Programs
Business Administration, A.S., Business Management, A.A.S.
Course Contact
Course Code
MAR 100
Section Code
Spring 2023
Course Description

The marketing system is described, analyzed and evaluated, including methods, policies and institutions involved in the production and distribution of goods from producer to consumer or user that improve customer value in the context of a competitive environment.

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The pitch that resonated most with me was DapperBoy. Just like how Laurie said about Honey […] See MoreComment on: Product Concepts Assignment Example

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Comment on: Product Concepts Assignment Example

The pitch that resonated with me the most was Kayla Lupean’s pitch for Play Maysie. I have been w […] See MoreComment on: Product Concepts Assignment Example

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