Infant Play Materials Presentation


5-7 minute engaging presentation, groups of 3-4


Purpose: The purpose of the Play Materials Presentation is for you to:

  • Refine your skills presenting information
  • Identify play materials appropriate for infants
  • Analyze play materials for infants

Task: As infant/ toddler professionals, we are responsible to identify appropriate materials for infants and toddlers. In this presentation, you will analyze play materials to explain how infants and toddlers explore or manipulate materials and how the materials support a child’s learning. You will work in small groups with two or three others to create an infant play materials presentation.  Your group will find play material(s) that support infant learning in the following domains/areas:

  • fine motor skills
  • gross motor skills
  • language and communication skills
  • cognition
  • math concepts
  • social and emotional skills

Your group will explain to the class how the play materials specifically supports the development and learning of infants and toddlers. Your group will also explain how the material relates to the NYS Early Learning Guidelines (2020).


For this project your group should:

  1. Share a picture of the item(s)
  2. Know the name of the item(s)
  3. Explain how an infant would explore and manipulate the material in a classroom setting
  4. Describe how the play material promotes development and learning in each domain.
  5. Use information from 5 or more assigned course readings to support your presentation
  6. Connect the play material to the NYS Early Learning Guidelines (2020)



PLAY MATERIALS SELECTION Identify play materials that are appropriate for infants (0-18 mos) & provide a clear, thorough explanation of how the materials would be used with rich, vivid details?  
USE OF SOURCES Include info from 5 or more course readings, materials, & NYS Early Learning Guidelines (2020) thoughtfully, meaningfully & in context?  
DEVELOPMENTAL EXPLANATION Explain how the play materials promotes development accurately and appropriately?  
GROUP WORK Have all members of the group contributing & presenting?  
CLARITY Include content that was clear, organized, coherent, polished, & organized, that was presented in an engaging manner?