Your grade for ECE 209 will be determined by the following four components:
- ECE 209-Seminar: Successful completion of ECE 209-Seminar
- Goal Setting: At the start of the semester, you will create goals that you hope to achieve in ECE 209. The goals will focus on what you hope to learn, how you hope to grow, the tasks you hope to achieve, and the processes you hope to acquire as a result of participating in ECE 209.
- Goals Monitoring: At the mid-point and end of the semester you will submit and reflect upon work and assignments that you believe demonstrates your progress towards meeting, or have achieving, your goals for ECE 209. Goal monitoring will happen during:
- Week 8
- Week 16
- Conferencing: At the end of the semester, you will schedule a conference with Jen during which we will discuss the following:
- Your progress toward achieving your goals for ECE 209 that you developed at the start of the semester
- How assignments and work you select demonstrates your progress towards achieving the goals for ECE 209 that you developed at the start of the semester
- The grade you should receive for ECE 209 and why; we decide together which grade you will receive.
You will receive feedback from me for all assignments you submit; however, you will not receive a score for any assignments. Again, your grade for ECE 209 is determined during the end-of-semester conference you have with me based on your progress towards achieving the goals you identify for ECE 209. Please contact me at any time if you would like to set-up a meeting to discuss your progress toward achieving your goals