
8 posts

Ethics Cases

This is a great resource for case studies. The category titled “Ethical Issues for Students” is especially relevant. Each case includes questions for discussion and a link to “A Framework for Ethical Decision Making.” After discussion one or two cases in class, students could select their own case to analyze. […]

Watch a movie about difficult decisions

Visit BMCC Library-Video Databases-SWANK Digital Campus. Create an account if you don’t already have one (students can do the same if you assign the movie as homework). Select a movie that features morality, complex decisions, etc. A few suggestions: “Barbara,” “The Return.” Critique the movie in the context of CRT […]

Morality Quiz

Students can take the quiz at home and come to class prepared to share their results with a partner, or write a reflection about their experience of taking the quiz and about the results. As a follow-up activity, students can create a morality quiz in class, in groups, and then […]