
23 posts

Truth and Validity

“In this video, Julianne Chung of Yale University explains the philosophical concepts of truth and validity before going on to illustrate how truth and falsity, as well as validity and invalidity, can appear in various combinations in an argument.”

Assignment: 3 news stories

Watch the video and read the 2 articles, then consider what the stories have in common. Write down your comments. Video: Muslim teen Ahmed Mohamed creates clock, shows teachers, gets arrested Article 1: Shaquille O’Neal passed up deal with Starbucks because ‘black people don’t drink coffee’ Article 2: Black customers […]

Assignment: Introduction to critical thinking/ Discussion Board

Brainstorm: what is critical thinking? Watch What is Critical Thinking?  by Gary Meegan /YouTube: Watch: How to think, not what to think by Jesse Richardson /TEDxBrisbane: Post on Blackboard or discuss in class: What is critical thinking? How do the speakers define it? Why, according to the speakers, […]

On happiness

Students can choose one or several of the following articles and videos on happiness to answer the questions below: 1. What are the main points of the article/ video? 2.  How did the article/ video change or challenge your thinking about the nature of happiness? 3. Based on what you read […]